Hello Fall, this time of the year is Dan's and my favorite. The festivals start, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is also when the leaves change up North. For the first time in my life I will be enjoying the seasons for I grew up in Florida and there it doesn't show the true seasons, just the sunny beaches.
I'm going to start with something that is very passionate to me and that is Breast Cancer Awareness. October is when you see pink all over the place and companies step up and advertise Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are pros and cons on this very subject. If you have been following me for almost nine years, I feel its all about prevention. Its regarding a lifestyle and what we put on our bodies and eat. The environment plays a big part on prevention. I wrote an article a couple of years ago that shows the passion and experience that I personally had to face.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Humanity of The Human Heart ~Through Dying I Had Life
As a small child, I can remember my first encounter with this terrible disease called cancer. Although, I did not understand why my Aunt was going through pain, I was told she had cancer. One day she was with us and the next I was at this funeral home reaching down to give her my last kiss. The experience was so cold and I will never forget that day. Time past and then another Aunt passed, which experienced the same pain. Through dying I had life.
When I was diagnosed six years ago, with breast cancer, I was reminded of the experiences that I endured in the past. All my family members had surgery, chemo and radiation and still died. Why would I choose this way, I did not want to go through all this suffering? I wanted to live a quality of life, even if it meant a year or two. Maybe I was a coward, but why would anyone today put themselves through all that pain and suffering. Through dying I had life.
Going back, this disease hit even closer to home. I remember the first-time cancer affected me, it was one day in school. I made 2nd honors and was very proud, until my teacher handed out report cards. She called everyone’s name, until it came to mine. Sherry, sorry I cannot give you your report card for your father has not paid your tuition. Not understanding this I was able to call my mom and I still can picture this in my mind, I cried and told her they would not give me my report card. That day she came down to find out why. My father always paid in the beginning of the month, but cancer struck and tuition was something that was not first on my parent’s mind. Happy to say, I finely got my report card, but was embarrassed in class because of cancer. Through dying I had life.
For about three years I watched my father go through surgery, chemo and radiation. The suffering was unbearable, no child should have to experience a parent slowly die. Through dying I had life.
On my sixteenth birthday, my father was being operated on his brain. I can still picture going to see him the day after and him and my mom gave me my birthday gift together. This was a family tradition, a sweet sixteen ring. My last gift from my father before he passed away. My birthday was in January and he left us in September. Through dying I had life.
It’s still all a blur to me. This affected me and my family in so many ways. When I was in high school, the tuition was too much for my mother to pay the total amount for three children. In order to complete my school years with my friends, I had to work around the school for half of the tuition. During this time of my life it was very difficult, for how to explain to my friends not only the cancer that my father was enduring, but how it was affecting his mind. Through dying I had life.
You see, the cancer went to his brain, which changed his personality. He thought he was someone else. I had to search within myself for I was raised Catholic and when my father thought he could change the world by rewriting the bible, picking up hitchhikers, and buying land to build his church. This was too much for our family to take, so how would my friends understand. At this time, I lost friends for they did not know how to handle what I was going through. The pain of what my father was going through was more than cancer, it destroyed him. My father passed on September 16th on my younger sister’s 8th birthday. Through dying I had life.
After living through high school, a year later, I lost two more Uncles to this terrible disease. Years later I met Dan my husband and it seemed all the pain that I experienced went away. We became a family with a daughter, enjoying life and not thinking of the past. Then it hit again, my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer. The memories came back for watching my mother in law go through the same procedures which led to death. Through dying I had life.
This time I was the mother and had to explain the death to my four-year-old daughter. I did not want her to have the same experience that I went through, so I explained the death like sleeping beauty with all the flowers that surrounded her. That Christmas, my mother in law had saved money up for her grand kids. She had passed away on September, the same day the 16th on a Monday as my father did seventeen years ago, that Christmas she knew my daughter wanted a doll house. Christmas day there was a doll house under the tree. We explained that Grandma delivered it from Heaven. Through dying I had life.
Since then I have lost cousins, Aunts, Uncles from cancer doing surgery, chemo and radiation. Through dying I had life.
Coming back to me and when I was diagnosed with cancer, why would I go through more pain and suffering. It did not work for them and the quality of life that they endured was unbearable. This is why Dan and I explored the possibility of other methods that were not so invasive. We found it and I have lived longer and healthier than others that had cancer in my family. I learned that first you have to do a life change for there was a reason why I was struck with cancer. Through dying I had life.
Again, two years later from when I was diagnosed with cancer Dan my husband was told he had prostate cancer. We did not have to think, we know what our decision would be. He went for the same treatments as I did. Through dying I had life.
Today, we are healthy and have managed our cancer without surgery, chemo or radiation. Dan and I are so humble that we broke the cycle and learned other methods to treat cancer without the conventional way that killed our family member’s. This is why I am so passionate on educating others on the methods we used. The suffering and pain that I endured by seeing and watching my family members suffer and ending up in death somehow has given me life. Through dying I had life.
If there is a will, there is a way.
OCTOBER 2016 I wrote a piece on brainwash and how the media plays a big part on how on thinks. With everything going on with our surroundings, I thought this would worn repeating it.
Do you have an open mind and research your facts or are you one of the ones that follow what you see or hear? The media plays a big part of how we make our decisions. We listen or read from the radio, television set or even the computer and the newspaper. However; do we ever follow our gut and research and go outside the crowd. This month is breast cancer awareness month and next month is election month and all I hear is bad things about both.
I stepped out of both and see a different picture, maybe it’s because I moved away from the stress and can see a different perspective of the way things are going. I know there has to be change, however is it going in the right direction.
First, Dan and I both had cancer and know that there are so many other ways to handle taking care of cancer then how the medical industry is proceeding. All it takes is you to control your own needs and follow your own path and research. For many years I have offered other information from my research not for you to necessary follow, but for you to open up your minds to what brainwashing our society may be directing you with.
There are two sides to every quarter and at any game they start out with toss ~heads or tails. Which one are you?
There are six Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now ~which ones are you following:
1. Chanting Slogans, every cult leader, drill sergeant, self-help guru and politician knows that if you want to quiet all of those pesky doubting thoughts in a crowd, get them to chant a repetitive phrase or slogan. Those are referred to as thought-stopping techniques, because for better or worse, they do exactly that.
2. Slipping Bullshit into Your Subconscious, the rise of the internet news portal has given birth to a whole new, sly technique of bullshit insertion. What They (and from here on, "They" with a capital T means anyone who draws a paycheck for manipulating your opinion) have figured out is that most of you don't read the stories, you just browse the headlines. And there's a way to exploit that, based on how the brain stores memories.
3. Controlling on what you watch and read. Restriction of reading and/or viewing material is common to pretty much every cult. Here on the internet, we've all heard horror stories about Scientology, which goes as far as filtering members' internet access. Obviously the idea is to insulate the members from any opposing points of view, to keep them marching in line.
That technique works just as well outside of the cult world, but They have to be subtler about it. It just takes a little poison in the well, that's all.
4. Keeping You in Line with Shame, Professionals have more sophisticated methods, but it boils down to the same technique. "They" know that if they can paint an idea as ridiculous, the listener usually won't bother examining it any closer to find out if the ridicule is justified.
After all, why even consider something that's ridiculous? That's only something a ridiculous person would do! And you're not ridiculous ... are you?
5. Black and White Choices. Never anything in between. Everyone is a friend or enemy, every band either rules or sucks, black and white, nothing in the middle. They (capital T) love this, because They can convince you that you must choose either their way, or the most utterly retarded option on the opposite extreme.
Why It Works: Because we evolved from creatures who were always in danger of being eaten, our brains were built on a very simple foundation: the "fight or flight" mechanism. This lets us make lightning-fast decisions by boiling every situation into two options. Anyone who preferred to stop and mull over the subtleties of the scenario wound up in the digestive system of a saber-tooth tiger.
6. "Us vs. Them", They have figured out that the same technique that works so well for getting people whipped into a murderous apocalyptic frenzy, can be used sell you cars, or hamburgers, or computers. Why It Works: Basically, we're hard-wired by evolution to form tribes. The more stress we feel, the more we feel love and attachment to those who look and sound the same as us, and the more we feel hatred to those who don't. It's just an old survival mechanism, since the ancient guys who didn't show that kind of blind loyalty were killed off by the fierce tribes formed by the ones who did.
So today which technique have you followed. Keep in mind that you are not the only one that is brainwashed. This can change the outcome of anything. All I am saying is take a really good look at where your hard earned money is going to and who you wish to represent you if something major were to happen. Like my husband Dan told me the other day we are all in a world of shit. No matter who wins the election our country needs a lot of repairing. Also, it seems not to matter on how much money is donated to the breast cancer organizations. It’s about education and preventions.
Where do you stand?
When the clothes don’t fit, or you’re running late, it’s always nice to know your hair looks great. On October 1, National Hair Day gives the nod to all the styles, products, tools and people who keep our hair healthy and looking its best.
Whether we are seeking a new cut or we’ve found the perfect one, we want to keep it looking as fresh as it was when we left the salon. The right styling tools and hair care products go a long way toward maintaining a healthy, luxurious hairstyle.
From fine and thin to thick and course, there are products out there to curl, straighten, repair, lift, enrich, volumize, moisturize, restore, hold and sculpt! Creating unique hairstyles is an art form and health regime, too.
On National Hair Day put your best style forward. Let no wind, no storm hold you back!
Like any product you apply on your body, chemicals do harm and can cause major problems used during time. When big issue for women is hair color. There are ways to color your hair without damaging your body with all these chemicals used in commercial products.
7 Ways to Color Your Hair Naturally
1. Coffee
Coffee works great if you’re looking to go darker, cover gray hairs, or add dimension to dark tresses. Simply brew a strong coffee (espresso works well), let it cool, and then mix one cup with a couple cups of leave-in conditioner and 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds.
Apply on clean hair and allow to sit for about an hour. If you use apple cider vinegar to rinse, it will help the color last longer. You may need to repeat the process a couple times to see noticeable results.
2. Tea
Like coffee, black tea can help you go darker, and can also help cover gray hairs. If you have lighter hair, though, there are other types of tea you can use. Chamomile, for example, is recommended for blondes, while rooibos may work for redheads.
Do keep in mind that tea works best with your natural color. You won’t be able to turn blonde hair brunette. But black tea can darken blonde hair and chamomile can lighten it—especially if you sit in the sun while you have it in.
The longer you leave the tea on the hair, the more noticeable the color will be. You can also try repeated applications.
The key is to make the tea highly concentrated. Use 3-5 teabags (or about the same amount in loose-leaf tea) for two cups of water. You can apply the cooled tea to hair alone, or mix with conditioner (as noted in the coffee recipe). If you’re seeking to cover grays, mix with some fresh or dried sage, which helps open up the hair follicles.
Leave on hair for at least an hour—more if you want more color. Some even put on a cap and wear the tea overnight, then rinse the following morning. Check your color to determine what intensity you need.
3. Herbs
Depending on what color you’re going for, you can use a variety of herbs to achieve it. Here are some suggestions, depending on what your natural color is:
Red hair: Try calendula, marigold, rosehips, and hibiscus to deepen the red shade or add a few red highlights. The effects are cumulative—if you keep using the dye regularly, you will notice more color. Simmer the flowers in water for about 30 minutes, strain, cool, and then spray or pour on hair and allow to dry in the sun if possible.
Brunette/dark hair: Rosemary, nettle, and sage are all great herbs for dark hair. Simmer all three with water for 30 minutes, cool, strain, and spray or brush through hair. Allow to sit about an hour. You can also use the rinse daily after your shower. Be patient—it may take several days to notice a difference.
Blonde hair: As mentioned above, chamomile tea works, but you can also try calendula, marigold, saffron, and sunflower petals. To hide grays, try rhubarb root in two cups of water, simmer, strain, and pour over hair. Add black tea to the darker colors above to help the color last longer. Catnip works for lighter colors.
4. Beet and carrot juice
These two juices can add natural red tints to your current color. Depending on what shade you want, you can use each alone, or mix them together. For a more reddish tinge, use more beet juice (strawberry blonde, deeper red, or auburn). Carrot will produce a quieter reddish orange.
This one is easy—simply apply about a cup of the juice to your hair. You can also mix in some coconut oil to condition hair at the same time. Work it through, wrap hair, and leave on for at least an hour. (These juices stain—wear something to protect your skin and clothes.) Rinse the juice out, and seal with an apple cider vinegar spray. If the color isn’t dark enough, repeat the next day.
5. Henna
One of the most popular natural hair coloring ingredients, henna is a powdered form of the leaves that come from the henna plant. These leaves have a natural and effective coloring pigment that has been used for thousands of years to dye hair, nails, and skin.
Natural henna, on its own, creates a red-orange color, so if you see products offering other colors produced with henna, realize the manufacturers have mixed the henna with other ingredients to achieve those colors. Redheads and brunettes (looking for a bit of auburn) are the best candidates for henna hair color. Be careful with this one—the results can be more orange than you’d like, so you may want to mix a little chamomile in with the paste to tame the color.
To make your own henna hair dye, mix about one cup of henna powder with 2 cups lemon juice. You can also add in a tablespoon of vinegar to help release the color. Allow to sit about 4-6 hours until it thickens. Apply to hair and comb through. (This is messy so be prepared!) Wrap your hair in plastic wrap and allow to sit 2-3 hours before rinsing.
6. Lemon Juice
Looking for a few highlights? Try fresh-squeezed lemon juice sprayed and brushed through hair. Leave on for several hours. If you sit in the sun, you’ll notice more lightening. Blondes can enjoy even more lightening by mixing with chamomile tea.
Lemon juice works slowly, so expect to repeat applications several times before seeing results.
7. Walnut Shells
If you want to secure a dark brown color, this is the way to go. Crush the walnut shells and boil for about half an hour. Cool, strain, and apply to hair. If you’re wanting to cover grays, you can use a cotton ball to apply only to those areas where it’s needed. Again, be careful as this dye will stain everything, so take precautions.
To create a more intense dye, return the strained juice to the heat and boil until it’s simmered down to about a quarter of the original volume. Allow to cool in the refrigerator, strain if needed, and pour through hair.
To save time, use walnut powder instead of the shells.
Let sit for at least an hour (more if you want more color), and rinse. Try to avoid really hot water as it can take the color away. Wash in lukewarm to make the color last longer.
You might be wondering: what's so bad about regular shampoos? Well, they can contain a lot of harmful ingredients. Some of the worst chemical-offenders are:
sodium Sodium Lauryl
Laureth Sulfate
The word fragrance might not sound so bad, but on a label, it can mean the presence of over 4,000 separate chemical ingredients. How scary is that?!
There are lots of great natural brands of shampoo that don’t contain these ingredients. I will continue this subject in a future newsletter, meanwhile make it a day to get your hair cut.
National Nut Day is observed annually on October 22. This day is NOT about the neighbor that lives down the street or the crazy co-worker, it is a food holiday that celebrates a healthy and nutritious snack.
Nuts are a highly prized food and energy source and are a primary source of nutrients for both humans and wildlife. Many of them are used in cooking, eaten raw, sprouted or roasted as a snack food and pressed for oil that is used in cookery and cosmetics.
The fats found in nuts, for the most part, are unsaturated fats including monounsaturated fats.
Many nuts are excellent sources of vitamins E and B2. They are also rich in protein, folate fiber and essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and selenium.
Nuts are essential to animals, especially those in temperate climates, as they store acorns and other nuts during the autumn months to keep from starving during late fall, all winter and early spring.
Several studies have shown that those who consume nuts on a regular basis are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease (CHD). It was in 1993 that nuts were first linked to protection against CHD. Since that time, many clinical trials have found that consumption of various nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, can lower serum LDL cholesterol concentrations.
One study has shown that people who ate nuts lived two to three years longer than those who did not. Those who were consuming nuts may have been eating less junk food leading to a longer lifespan.
Walnuts: Inflammation Fighters
In addition to containing the most antioxidants of all nuts, which help protect your body from the cellular damage that contributes to heart disease, cancer, and premature aging, “walnuts are also the richest in omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation,” says Bauer. They’re an especially great way to get these healthy unsaturated fats if you’re not a fan of fish, where these types of fats are predominantly found. A walnut snack may also turn around a bad day during that time of the month: The manganese they contain may reduce PMS symptoms.
Serving info: About 14 walnut halves = 185 calories, 18 grams fat
Almonds: Good for Your Gut
Almonds contain the most fiber — about three grams per ounce — compared to other nuts, and are richest in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Almonds may even help you slip into those skinny jeans: In one International Journal of Obesity study, when two groups of obese adults followed low-calorie diets for six months, those who included almonds in their weight loss plans lost more weight than those who ate more complex carbohydrates. Other research shows that almonds are especially healthy for people worried about their blood sugar: Those who ate about 20 percent of their calories from almonds for four months saw their bad LDL cholesterol drop and their insulin resistance decrease compared to a control group who didn’t eat them. Almonds may even safeguard your gut: A test-tube study (funded by the Almond Board of California) found that the nuts raised levels of good bacteria that bolster the body’s immune system.
Serving info: About 23 nuts = 170 calories, 15 grams fat
Cashews: Brainpower Boosters
Cashews are particularly rich in iron and zinc. “Iron helps deliver oxygen to all of your cells, which can prevent anemia, and zinc is critical to immune health and healthy vision,” says Bauer. Cashews are also a good source of magnesium: One ounce provides almost 25 percent of your daily need. Magnesium may help improve memory and protect against age-related memory loss, according to a study in the journal Neuron.
Serving info: about 18 nuts = 165 calories, 13 grams fat
Pecans: Artery Defenders
Pecans aren’t just for making tasty pies, they can also help improve your heart health. “Pecans are among the most antioxidant-rich nuts,” says Bauer. “They may help prevent plaque formation in your arteries.” In fact, a Journal of Nutrition study (funded partly by the National Pecan Shellers Association) found that consuming pecans can help lower LDL cholesterol levels by as much as 33 percent. Pecans may also buffer your brain health, according to an animal study from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The vitamin E found in the nuts could delay progression of degenerative neurological diseases like amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
Serving info: About 18 halves = 200 calories, 21 grams fat
Brazil Nuts: Potent Cancer Protector
Just one Brazil nut packs more than 100 percent of the daily value for the mineral selenium, which may help prevent certain cancers, including bone, prostate, and breast cancer. A recent study in the Journal of Medicinal Food suggests that the selenium found in Brazil nuts, along with soy, may help fight prostate cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells. However, don’t overdo it on Brazil nuts: High levels of selenium can be harmful, so stick to a serving or less.
Serving info: 5 to 6 nuts = 185 cals, 18 grams fat
Macadamia Nuts: The Most MUFAs
Although ounce for ounce they’re one of the most calorie-dense nuts, macadamia nuts contain the greatest amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat (MUFA) per serving. “This ‘good fat’ lowers LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol levels and blood pressure,” says Bauer. A Pennsylvania State University study (funded partly by the Hershey Company, which owns the Mauna Loa Macademia company) found that people who added macadamia nuts to their diets reduced their triglyceride levels, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol by nearly 10 percent.
Serving info: About 10 nuts = 200 cals, 22 grams fat
Pistachios: The Skinniest Nut
Pistachios are the most slimming nuts, with less than four calories each. Their shells make them especially dieting-friendly: “Eating them in the shell automatically slows down your pace so the snack lasts longer and you eat less overall,” says Bauer. They may also help you breathe easier: University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center researchers found that eating two ounces of pistachios daily may reduce lung cancer risk. Pistachios are rich in the antioxidant gamma-tocopherol, a form of cancer-fighting vitamin E. Pistachios are also packed with potassium, a mineral essential for a healthy nervous system and muscles, and are a good source of vitamin B6, which can lift your mood, fortify your immune system, and more.
Serving info: About 50 nuts = 160 cals, 14 grams fat
Hazelnuts: More Than Just Coffee Flavoring
An all-around healthy nut, hazelnuts are notable for their high levels of
monounsaturated fats, which can improve cardiovascular health and help to
manage type 2 diabetes, according to Bauer. They’re also rich in the antioxidant vitamin
E, which may prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, maintain healthy skin, and
reduce risk of dementia.
Serving info: About 21 nuts = 180 cals, 17 grams fat
This subject is very important to me for 18 months ago, I became a first time grandma. With the changes of health care in the world today, its kind of scary. The pro and cons on vaccinations and other health issues are a concern to me for the future of my grandchild.
Child Health Day is a United States Federal Observance Day held each year on the first Monday in October.
Each child deserves to be the healthiest he or she can be. On National Child Health Day, we are reminded of all the ways children grow healthy and strong. From the food they eat to the words they hear, children require support and opportunities to grow.
National Train Your Brain Day is observed annually on October 13.
This day was created to encourage everyone to expand and exercise their brain and use more of its potential capacity.
There are many different ways to train your mind and improve your cognitive skills such as reading, word puzzles, number games, brain teasers, trivia games, riddles and word games. Learning something new is another practice that is a benefit to everyone’s brain on National Train Your Brain Day (as well as any other day).
I love to do word search, not only do I have to look for where the word is, but sometimes it has be to look up what the word means. My mother who is in her 80's plays games three times a week with others. She not only uses her brain, but also makes it a social interaction.
When the question is asked to American scientists as to how much of the brain is used, the answer varies. However, many of them believe that it is only a small percentage and that there is room for expanded learning and knowledge within everyone.
World Stroke Day is observed on October 29 to underscore the serious nature and high rates of stroke, raise awareness of the prevention and treatment of the condition, and ensure better care and support for survivors. On this day, organizations around the world have facilitated events emphasizing education, testing, and initiatives to improve the damaging effects of stroke worldwide. The annual event was started in 2006 by the World Stroke Organization(WSO)and the WSO declared stroke a public health emergency
National Pumpkin Day – October 26
Pumpkins are so much more than just a fun holiday decoration. Not only are they one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene (an antioxidant that is converted to vitamin A in the body), but pumpkins are loaded with fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. On October 26 do yourself a favor and eat a hearty helping of pumpkin to celebrate National Pumpkin Day (and of course have a little fun carving them).
Dan, my husband loves pumpkin. This is his favorite holiday season. Maybe because it is the month of his birthday. Every year I make pumpkin pancakes or something with pumpkin in it.
Eating pumpkins are good for your health
Did you know that the potassium in pumpkins can have a positive effect on blood pressure? Eating a diet high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C (all of which pumpkins have), is also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density, and reduction in the formation of kidney stones. In addition, the antioxidants and vitamins in pumpkins could prevent degenerative damage to the eyes! So do your body a favor and eat some pumpkin today.
Pumpkins are delicious
Pumpkins are an amazingly versatile vegetable, they can be used in sweet, savory, spicy, or salty dishes! You can bake them, boil them, steam them, puree them, even fry them. With so many ways to prepare pumpkins, and so many flavors you can add to them, there is guaranteed to be a way that appeals to everyone.
Pumpkins are fun to carve
Everyone loves carving pumpkins and to top it off it is a fantastic way to have fun with the kids. Invite your neighbors over, invite your friends over and have a pumpkin carving party, or even get out your power tools and and get really creative
I would like to take like to take this time to thank Dan for supporting me and helping me out on this website with the editing. I also would like to wish him a happy birthday.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, have a fabulous month of October. Until next month enjoy the view.