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Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who -

Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.


Hello Followers,

Happy Hump Day!

Monday Dan and I wanted to get in the holiday spirit and heard that the oldest Hotel in Roanoke had a Christmas tree display.

How festive, so off to another adventure.


The countdown to CHRISTMAS is 3 days.

I heard from the grape vine that Christmas lights helps with your mental health.

The stress and anxiety caused by 2020 and 2021 is no secret and people seem to be coping as best they can, many with the help of a little holiday décor.

The question is, does all the seasonal glitter create a false sense of happiness or do the holidays really cheer us up?

According to research, the holiday spirit really does brighten our mood, and the simple reasons why can actually be used to help lift our attitude and mental health all year round.

One of the first things most think about when it comes to the holiday season are lights.

Millions of lights are used to celebrate the holidays inside the home and through public displays and this sense of sparkle is just one reason joy is signaled by your brain.

Introducing new sensory elements such as light, color and sound has the ability to boost our mental health and mood.

So, this holiday season go out and take a ride either in your neighborhood or your city main street and check out the light displays.

Our first Christmas in Mexico, I wrote this message:

A peaceful hush falls over the world…

When this holiday rush is through…

It’s time to reflect on family and friends…

And so, I think of you…

It’s a time to send our greetings…

To those who are far and near…

To wish you the blessings of the season…

Not just today but throughout the year…

We pause and think of this special time…

A time that is set apart…

For thinking of those who are dear…

Who hold a special place in our heart…?

As Dan and I prepare for the holidays, I ended the series of HOW SAFE IS MEXICO and shorten the blog post a little for the coming year.

However, there is a page where I have some pictures and videos:

Another way to capture the safety of Mexico, is go on the main page of the BLOG and look for the hash tag# MEXICO on the right side of the page, and all the blog posts on HOW SAFE IS MEXICO THROUGH PICTURES AND VIDEO’S will pop up.

Yesterday, ended the series on THE SIX SENSES AND YOUR WELL-BEING, to review this topic, you can also go to the main BLOG and hash tag# SIXSENSES on the right of the age, and all the posts related to that topic will pop up.

101 WAYS TO HAPPINESS; by Mike Annesley.

Since all the research of keeping healthy, leads to making your cells happy; this book will help your mental health to be happy.

That is the first step in keeping your cells happy and keeping your body healthy.



Here are two ideas for encouraging deep peace through sound:

· Nature sounds – these work by combing a relaxing tempo with natural associations.

Possibilities include; whale song, rain, river or ocean sounds; birdsong (especially the dawn chorus).

Try online sources – there are plenty.

· Ragas – classical India ragas, especially sitar and sarod recitals are wonderfully restful.

Each raga begins with a slow intro, called an alap to get you in the mood.

The tempo often builds to a virtuoso crescendo, relaxing because it takes you out of yourself.

Try the star music of Anoushka Shankar, daughter of the great Ravi Shanker.

Today will continue the series on LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown.

Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy.

A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.

For more information click on book



Today continuing on VICTIM - the second of the five anger-management styles

Victims are draining because one tends to try to bolster them up, help them see the sunshine, give them positive one-liners.

But you can’t get through to them until the pity party is over.

Then you might say; I’m sorry this is a bad day for you. (Stay objective)

Don’t allow a victim to cling or control.

Don’t correct.

Do state the truth; You are a great person.

I care about you very much.

Later, when they can hear, in the appropriate time to talk about the problem that set off the implosion and about anger management; not while they are imploding.

Statements such as;

You are not managing your anger will.

You are turning it on yourself.

Will do no good.

It’s all right to feel sorrow for victims, but don’t be dragged down.

They choose the way they manage their anger.

Tomorrow on MANIPULATOR - the third of the five anger-management styles

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs.

In the coming week, Dan and I will be blogging the benefits of LEMON BALM.

It’s amazing what and how lemon balm can help keep your body healthy?

What about lemon balm as herbal tea?

Herbal teas are a favorite beverage among the naturopath community for their health benefits.

Plants and fruits contain polyphenol micronutrients that give them exciting colors and fragrances.

These polyphenols also have beneficial health advantages as well.

Drinking herbal tea allows you to capture these beneficial compounds in a tasty beverage.

Drinking lemon balm tea provides a soothing and calming effect that’s slightly sedative in its impact.

The results of drinking lemon balm tea are similar to chamomile in its relaxing qualities.

It’s recommended purchasing a premade lemon balm tea brand, as taking too much of the tea can leave you feeling quite sleepy.

Drinking lemon balm tea also has an excellent effect on improving your digestive health as well.

The polyphenols reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal system, allowing you to absorb more nutrients from your food.

Steep the tea in hot water for 5 to 7-minutes, and then drink it as warm, as you can.

The warm beverage helps the polyphenols absorb into your bloodstream faster, allowing you to benefit from the effects of the polyphenols sooner.


If you are interested in reading Dan’s and My Journey Through Cancer without Surgery, Chemo or Radiation, just click on the books for more information:

MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer

THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal and keep your body cells happy.

As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).

We will continue on doing our daily routine, if you would like to follow; just go to the main blog and on the right-side hash tag# -#walk, #meditation, #Qigong and up will pop up prior post with video’s.


Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. #Christmas🎄🎁 #truly#celebrate#giving#light#love#need#motivational#inspirational

Until Thursday, whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings happiness, may it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

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