If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.
Hello Monday evening,
BETTER LATE THEN NEVER, been on airplanes all day.

Everyone has problems to deal with, but the people who are mesmerized by the beauty of their dreams are the ones who actually live life to the fullest. Working toward short-term goals, for what it's worth, is one of the foundations of my day to day life. Though this is not a working to build, to grow, to progress, and to succeed it provides a good part of the force I need to anchor myself in a sense of purpose.

Today Dan and I started a new journey, its one that we have been on for a while. This adventure started about ten years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now, again we are back in Tijuana for answers regarding Dan’s prostrate issues. However, this time it is quite different then the past visits, everyone is wearing masks. The corona virus is global and still no answers about going back to normal. Dan and I prepared ourselves, by wearing long sleeves and long pants.
We brought gloves and also this spray that our functional medicine doctor told us about, BRIOTECH topical skin spray (all natural). The corona virus was not going to get us.

As we stepped into the airport in Virginia, everyone was wearing their mask and staying the social distance of six feet and every other seat was labeled; for your safety please allow extra space. Everything seemed pretty easy. Then landing in Atlanta, stepping out of the plane onto an area where we had to transfer to the other plane, what a zoo. No one were staying six feet apart and the areas where food was being sold was full, packed of people. You know Dan and I, we zoomed right past them.

The ride from Atlanta to San Diego was a bigger plane a more people. Although the seating was every other one, the rows were not. A course, it never fails there was this person caddy corner from our row; well let me tell you the flight attendant had to ask him to put his mask on at least four times. You know there is always one in the bunch!

Getting across the border to Mexico was a breeze. We did not think it was going to be that easy. Well, we are here and tomorrow bringing what is to be; finding out why Dan is having this issue and what can be done. The course of treatment that will be done.

This week I’m going to blog about Dan’s treatments and our stay in Tijuana.
The Dendritic Cell is a newly emerging and potent form of immune therapy used to treat cancer conditions. In case of cancer, Dendritic Cell therapy is an immune therapy which harnesses the body's own immune system to fight cancer.
The Dendritic Cell itself is an immune cell whose role is the recognition, processing and presentation of foreign antigens to the T-cells in the effecter arm of the immune system. Although Dendritic Cells are potent cells, they are not usually present in adequate quantity to allow for a potent immune response.
Dendritic Cell Therapy thus involves the harvesting of blood cells (monocytes or macrophages) from a patient and processing them in the laboratory to produce Dendritic Cells which are then given back to a patient in order to allow massive Dendritic participation in optimally activating the immune system.
We will be personal and true to our readers, so we can be examples that there are other ways to treat cancer without harming our immune system.
Good morning Monday ☀️ we must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles. Have a great day.
Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. Mary Oliver
It's amazing how the world begins to change through the eyes 👀 of a cup of coffee ☕
Until tomorrow our purpose here is to wake up to the truth of who we are and all of the truth around us. Aubrey Marcus