Moderation is the secret of survival.
Hello Followers,
Hooray its Friday!

Do you all approve?
Happiness is a day called Friday.
Dan and I would like to high five you for getting through another week on little more than caffeine, will power, and humor.
And we believe that it is a mandatory Law of the Universe that on Fridays, you have to do something a little fun.
So, go forth and enjoy this week-end!

This also means the countdown to CHRISTMAS is 15 days.
Life of excess and life of unhappiness, either of them is the right way to live your life.
Yet so many people struggle to find the golden middle and with it, the happiness and freedom it brings.
Even though we live in a society that promotes seeking pleasures and always striving for more, it is possible to break free from these patterns and find balance in your life.

Moderation is, indeed, key to a healthy lifestyle, as it reintroduces balance into our lives while also bringing numerous other benefits which make all the effort it takes worth our while.
Give some thought to your own habits, re-examine your bad ones, and work on them in order to surround yourself with harmony and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
As Dan and I prepare for the holidays, I will end on the series of HOW SAFE IS MEXICO and shorten the blog post a little for the coming year.
However, there is a page where I have some pictures and videos:
Another way to capture the safety of Mexico, is go on the main page of the BLOG and look for the hash tag# MEXICO on the right side of the page, and all the blog post on HOW SAFE IS MEXICO THROUGH PICTURES AND VIDEO’S will pop up.

Yesterday, ended the series on THE SIX SENSES AND YOUR WELL-BEING, to review this topic, you can also go to the main BLOG and hash tag# SIXSENSES on the right of the age, and all the post related to that topic will pop up.
101 WAYS TO HAPPINESS; by Mike Annesley.
Since all the research of keeping healthy, leads to making your cells happy; this book will help your mental health to be happy.
That is the first step in keeping your cells happy and keeping your body healthy.

There are two main foundation stones of resilience, our ability to weather personal storms.

First, we must recognize situations where the ego clings to the status quo because that’s more comfortable and be prepared to let go of such attachments.

Second, we must use love and other cherished values as a compass to take us through the storm.
Don’t expect to find a cure for pain, whether physical or emotional.
But you can diminish its impact by recognizing it for what it is, an experience rather than the essence of the self.
Also, accepting impermanence can help us in prepare for unwanted change, lessening its harm when it hits us.

How many are you out there are left-handers?
I raise my left hand! When I was growing up, I learned everything right-handed; which made everything I did the wrong way.

When teaching a lefty to write, here are important tips:
· Make sure they are seated in a position that allows the left arm to move freely.
· Place the paper at an angle that allows the wrist to align correctly.
· Encourage the correct pencil grip.
Today will continue the series on LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown.
Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy.
A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.
For more information click on book
How do you manage the feelings of anger that swell from living with a screwed-up person?

I couldn’t stand it any longer.
The only way out was to kill them all, my spouse and kids.
Divorce would not free me.
I’d never be free of the noose around my neck.
It was like suffocating every day.
That’s desperate!
But anyone who has lived with a difficult person knows the feeling of hopelessness, of permeating anger and of depressing inaction.

What can be done?
It’s like being a rodeo rider.
When you live with a bucking horse, you know you are going to be thrown.
You hold on, make it through most of the ride.
But inevitably you find yourself on the ground.
Each time the horse bucks, the emotions pound, the adrenaline rushes.
The more you rumble to the ground, the less aggressive the horse must be for your emotions to surge.
And the older you get, the less willing you are to ride.
Continue tomorrow -

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs. In the coming week, Dan and I will be blogging the benefits of HAWTHORN. It’s amazing what and how hawthorn can help keep your body healthy?
Ready for a recipe today!

Hawthorn berries make a delicious herbal vinegar that is a beautiful shade of red. It’s great to use with other of your homemade salad blends.
It can also be taken by the teaspoon prior to eating to help with digestion.

Fresh or dried hawthorn berries
Apple cider vinegar
Jar with glass or plastic lid

1. If using fresh berries, fill the jar with berries.
2. If using dried berries, fill the jar halfway (to leave room for them to expand).
3. Fill the jar with apple cider vinegar.
4. Cover with a glass or plastic lid.
5. If using a metal lid, place parchment or wax paper between the lid and the jar (vinegar will corrode metal).

6. Allow the vinegar to infuse for 2 weeks, shaking once a day.
7. Strain when ready.
8. This does not need to be refrigerated (although it can be)
9. Use within 1 year.

If you are interested in reading Dan’s and My Journey Through Cancer without Surgery, Chemo or Radiation, just click on the books for more information:
MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer
THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal and keep your body cells happy.
As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).
We will continue on doing our daily routine, if you would like to follow; just go to the main blog and on the right-side hash tag# -#walk, #meditation, #Qigong and up will pop up prior post with video’s.
Tonight, Dan and I are going to our local downtown Christmas Parade.
This will bring back memories for me, for my mom use to take me and my other sisters to our downtown parade in St. Petersburg, FL as a child.
Then Dan and I would take our daughter to our small parade in Oldsmar, FL.
I always liked the floats, but the best one is the last one, where Santa Clause is waving to all.
Pictures to come -
Moderation is the secret of survival. #moderation#secret#survival#inspirational#motivational
