Remember there are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.
Hello followers,
Happy Wednesday to all! Dan and my trip / retreat is coming to an end.

I would like to thank Kevin and Jody for a peaceful stay.

Kevin and Dan have been friends for over fifty years, they experienced a trip back in 1975 to the Grand Canyon. They climbed down and back up the Grand Canyon, with stories they reminisce every time they get together. Kevin even wrote a book with the adventures and experience they shared that 1975 year, A PATH RUNS THROUGH IT.
I highly recommend!
Jody and Kevin had us stay in the B & B attached to their home. If you are looking for a quite; retreat. This is the place for you!
Simplicity, relax in Murphy N.C.
3 guests · 1 bedroom · 2 beds · 1 bath
Relax and rest in our temperature-controlled suite with private entrance. Queen size bed, futon, couch and chair, breakfast nook with table and chairs, private bathroom with shower, refrigerator/freezer, coffee pot and microwave. WIFI, Television; cable only channels. Walkout concrete patio, with small gas grill. Sitting area and chairs with view of small creek on property.
Fire pit. There is an exterior well-lit staircase from the private driveway to the basement suite.
Ideal for 2 adults. However, 2 adults with small child or 2 small children will be comfortable.
This quiet private home is designed for maximum relaxation, serenity and comfort. You can relax over a coffee listening to the small creek below, watching the wildlife, or enjoy the quietude of the surrounding woods on your private walkout.
Murphy NC. 28906, Hwy 64 West. Easy 4 lane 12-mile drive from City of Murphy. Near Hiawassee Dam, waterfalls and other scenic wonders, mountain views. Approximately 30-minute drive to Nantahala Forest, water rafting and mountain lakes.
Other things to note, a small gas grill is available on the walkout patio. Full-service restaurants and fast-food outlets for people on the go are within a 15-minute ride from the property.
While we visited, they took us to Ocoee River where the 1996 Olympic rafting competition began.
The Ocoee River near Ducktown Tennessee was the event for the whitewater canoe and kayak slalom event of the 1996 Olympics.
Yesterday, went to the town of Cherokee, NC. and explored around for a short time. This was on Dan's bucket list. 46 years ago, he bought moccasins in that town while on the same trip going to the Grand Canyon with Kevin. Yes, so today we stopped and got him some moccasins, for old time’s sake!

Law seven – the law of direction and motives. remember there are no mistakes, no coincidences.
All events are blessings given to us to learn from. (This is also called the law of focus.) when we’re faced with a tragedy or loss, our immediate reaction is usually sadness or anger. As we grieve, our mind naturally seeks out the positive. It is our choice if we want to continue to grieve for the rest of our days or to move past the pain and be grateful for the experience, even if the entire experience was painful, we can still be grateful for the lesson and for the fact that it is over.

Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer.
By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress). So, by now you know this is always in our routine for healing and keeping our body cells happy.

Thinking back, Dan and I were taught everybody is unique an should be treated individually.
Through blood work and scans, I was given a plan of treatments. Per Dr. Perez and Dr. Garcia, that was the start; the rest was up to me. For you see, keeping healthy is a lifestyle and that would be up to me. I remember this one moment, a conversation with Dr. Perez; I asked him if I would be around in five years. He, replied it was up to me and how I live my life. Through their love and passion, I’m sharing through this blog our process of keeping healthy – it’s like a journal of our personal journey keeping healthy. Leading to why I ask you, did you do your walking?

I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and household chores!!! Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out. They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!
Also, meditation videos, help to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on . Again, they are no more than 10 to 20 mins and they are guided meditations.
We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog and on the right-hand side are hash # tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!

Make staying in the new going out by slipping into a comfy pair of pajamas and curling up on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn and your favorite box set. If your friends knew what you were up to, they’d be around in a flash.

As I continue to be re-reading my book that I wrote four years ago; it’s a personal journey of my everyday experience with treatments that I received in Mexico. In relations to the current series of QUOTES ABOUT LIVING, 12-22-10 to 12-23-10; THIS IS A DAY TO PRACTICE THE POWER OF CHOICE
This is a day to practice the power of choice. Choose the quality of mood you want that is, whether you'll adopt a positive or negative attitude. The choice is up to you! Your goal: to realize you do have the ability to enhance your life each day.

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs. Today I’m going to continuing blogging on the herb – NUTMEG. Since nutmeg has lots of health benefits, it’s worth spending time on.
Nutmeg is one of the natural spices that can also help reduce pain. It offers a wealth of anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce discomfort in all areas of the body. Many people who suffer from joint pain, muscle pain, and even arthritis can benefit from the healing properties of nutmeg.

Did you know that athletes have been known to use nutmeg to help them recover quickly after a sporting event? This is something very interesting, physical therapists also use nutmeg to help ease pain and swelling in their patients when opioids are not an option. The active ingredients in nutmeg that make it an excellent pain reliever are elemicin, myristicin, eugenol, and safrole.
#practice #power #choice #choose #quality #mood #adopt #positive #attitude #goal #enhance #life #day #inspirational #motivational
Until Thursday, this is a day to practice the power of choice. Choose the quality of mood you want-that is, whether you'll adopt a positive or negative attitude-the choice is up to you! Your goal: to realize that you do have the ability to enhance your life each day!