Hello there SATURDAY,

Saturday in the park, this song was what I woke up to. I remember when I first heard it back in 1972.

Those were the good old days. People dancing, people laughing, a man selling ice cream ( yes selling ice cream) - Can you dig it (yes, I can) And I've been waiting such a long time- For Saturday - Saturday in the park -You'd think it was the Fourth of July- Saturday in the park- You'd think it was the Fourth of July- People talking, really smiling-A man playing guitar- Singing for us all- Will you help him change the world- Can you dig it (yes, I can)- And I've been waiting such a long time- For today- Slow motion riders fly the colors of the day- A bronze man still can tell stories his own way-Listen children all is not lost, all is not lost, oh no, no.

Saturday is the most wonderful day of the week because it is the day when we are free to do whatever we love the most. Stuck between Friday and Sunday, Saturday has the best of both days. Either we spend the day relaxing or catching up with friends, Saturday is all about fun and entertainment on the weekend.
Hello first day of August 😁 This month will bring many new things with it, July have passed now. You can't change anything about July, so dream about August and make it the best ❤️
Did you know, Chicago's main songwriter, Robert Lamm, wrote this after a particularly exhilarating 4th of July spent in New York's Central Park, where there were steel drum players, singers, dancers and jugglers. Lamm and Peter Cetera sang lead on the track.
Better days are coming. They are called Saturday and Sunday. – Unknown
Whenever we have a difficult day at work, it does us a lot of good to remember that no matter what, better days are coming. Every weekend comes with countless opportunities for fun, exploration, relaxation, and beautiful moments. That is why Saturday and Sunday are special.
So, go out today and enjoy nature.

Ending on a good note, when ever there is a problem there is always a solution.
As Dan and I keep thriving to better understand how to protect us from all the types of pollution, we continue to spread our knowledge. I was always told by the best of people that, if you spread to one person; that person will spread it to another. Before you know it millions of people will retrieve a better way of life.
The topic today is ways of protecting yourself from 5G. The reality is that the wireless industry is both powerful and growing. With the roll-out of 5G they’ll be able to deliver speeds that will change the game for many industries and bring numerous benefits to consumers.
But all that should not be at the cost of human health. At the very least, 5G should be properly tested and regulated before being implemented across the country.
Instead, the roll-out is being expedited. Conflicting research, much of its industry-funded, keeps the public in doubt about the negative effects of 5G. And the value of Big Wireless makes it politically favored, meaning they have virtual free reign to implement new technologies faster than they can be evaluated.

For the public, this makes it difficult to get to the truth. So, what can you do?
Since wireless technology is so bound up in every aspect of modern life, our problem of reliance is even more complicated. But we can start by asking the right questions.
Like, what can we do to better test and regulate new generations of technology like 5G and health impacts like 5G DNA damage?
What would we have to invest and what trade offs would we have to make to create safer technology? Technology that still provides the benefits to society whilst simultaneously mitigating the risks?

What can we do to protect our DNA and the future of the human genome?
These are big questions, and I’m not suggesting there are easy answers.
That said, there are some simple things we can do as a starting point.
1. Learn About 5G and 5G Health Risks
Learn as much as you can about 5G and how it is being rolled out near you. Reading this post is a great start.
The more you know, the more educated you will be about what 5G is and what you can do about it.
And be on the lookout for misinformation. The wireless industry is actively seeking to confuse and mislead consumers about the health risks of 5G radiation, such as we saw in the New York Times’ attempt to debunk 5G health concerns, to lead you to conclude that 5G is not dangerous.

2. Contact Local Officials About 5G Health Risks
The best way to oppose the rollout of 5G is on the local level. Contact local officials — like your mayor, city council, and your county council – to express your opposition and learn more about the status of the 5G rollout in your area.
Here is a sample letter you can use when contacting government officials with your 5G health concerns.
3. Share What You Learn
As you learn more about 5G, and how it is being rolled out in your region, share what you learn with friends, family and colleagues.
Don’t browbeat them, but let them know what this technology is, what it can do to them and their loved ones, and what they can do about it.
4. Boycott 5G Products
As more and more devices come out with 5G connections and capabilities, object by not buying them. And get others on board.
The fewer people that buy 5G devices, the slower it will roll out. Vote with your wallet and you’ll make a difference.
Good morning Saturday💃🕺 distance leads to enchantment to the view,🎶 enjoy your weekend💠
5. It Starts at Home
Even if 5G is installed in your city, even if you can detect dozens of Wi-Fi networks around you, and even if you live in an area that’s extremely polluted by EMFs, what you do with your own devices and at home matters a lot.
Develop some of the habits that can drastically reduce your exposure to EMF.
The easiest thing to do to decrease your risk of developing health issues from 5G is to limit your exposure to EMF overall. It boils down to two key rules:
Minimize your use of EMF-emitting technology;
Maximize the distance between you and your technology when you do use it.
There are many ways to accomplish these goals. For example, three simple things you can do to make a huge difference in your exposure are:
Turn off your Wi-Fi router at night.
Don’t sleep with your phone.
Don’t carry your phone in your pocket.
Habits like these are completely free and the best way to reduce your exposure to EMF.
6. EMF Shielding Protection Products
Even once you start adopting these EMF reducing tips and techniques, you may still want additional protection from EMF.
SYB 5G Phone Shield
The SYB 5G Phone Shield
Here at SYB, we have a catalog of EMF protection products to help you live healthier by reducing your exposure to harmful radiation.
For example, our SYB 5G Phone Shield and SYB Phone Pouch which make it safer to carry your phone. Both have been laboratory tested to block up to 99% of EMF radiation – including harmful 5G frequencies – away from your body, to help protect yourself from 5G health risks.
Imagine living a life where every day are your Saturdays and Sundays. Make every day your weekend. Make every day a play-day. – James A. Murphy
Ready for the recipe 🥗 prepare the veggies by slicing them and if not can beans (SOAK THEM)
Olive oil, chickpea shells, fire roasted stewed tomatoes, onion, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and spices.

Broccoli, cauliflower, onion, peppers, cucumbers, carrots, celery, radishes, beets, walnuts, tomatoes, kale, lettuce.

1. If not can beans, soak beans overnight. Then drain the water.
2. Next cook them and let cool.
3. In a frying pan add some olive oil and place onion, peppers, mushrooms and some spices of your liking.

4. Sauté until soft, then add in the fire roasted stewed tomatoes.
5. Cook until the juices blend together.
6. As this is cooking, boil some water for the chickpea shells.
7. At the same time pre heat the oven, getting ready to prepare the casserole.
8. Once the chickpea shells are done. Drain the shells.

9. Place the shells into the pan with the sauce. Let cook until blended together.
10. Have an oven pan ready and put the ingredients into the it and top with some spices and slice tomatoes.
11. Cook into golden brown on top.

As the casserole is cooking in the oven, I take this time to make my salad.
Just slice and cut up (any size) Broccoli, cauliflower, onion, peppers, cucumbers, carrots, celery,radishes, beets, walnuts, tomatoes and add to a big size bowl.
Add olive oil, apple cider vinegar and toss. In a salad bowl or a salad plate, place some chopped kale and lettuce.

Then add the salad ingredients on top.

Bon Appetite
It might seem impossible but we can actually transform our days into an endless weekend, once we start to live the life we want. When we are excited about what we do and we work with joy, we discover that every day is as amazing as Saturday.