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Good morning Thursday,

First, I’m going to start out with giving recognition to Thursdays. And, here’s why. Nearly everyone could use some inspirational words to get them to the weekend. On a day when you are almost drained of your energy and need a bit of a boost, some words of encouragement can go a long way. Thursdays are a day when business happens. Get motivated and be ready to meet your challenges head-on.

And, if you’re leading a group or team, use these insights to inspire others in your charge. Some people call it Thursday, Dan and I like to call it early Friday Eve.

Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things will happen to you. This weekend is July 4th, even though some of us are still hunkering down; for others being with family means inspiration and fun. For others be strong because things will get better It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever.

For Dan and I, staying positive means doing qigong to center our energy and maintain a strong root; so, we don’t get thrown off of life’s challenges. Yesterday dealing with obstacles as simple as ordering a printer on line almost threw us off course. However, doing this simple exercise helped both of us get back on course.

Qigong Flow to Get Grounded

Grounding is a key principle in qigong. This routine cultivates the energy of centering so you maintain a strong root and don't get thrown off by life's challenges. It's a great one if you experience over thinking, worry, insomnia, or anxiety.

Today I am staying with pollution and what it does to our environment, but also to our health. The last couple weeks, the topics have been on water pollution, air pollution and now today I will start on land pollution.

Land pollution is the destruction or decline in the quality of the earth’s land surfaces in terms of use, landscape, and ability to support life forms. Many times, it is directly and indirectly caused by human activities and abuse of land resources.

Land pollution takes place when waste and garbage is not disposed of in the right manner thus, introducing toxins and chemicals to the land. It also occurs when people dump chemical products to soils in the form of herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, or any other form of the consumer by-products. Mineral exploitation equally leads to a decline in the quality of the earth’s land surfaces.

As such, it has grave consequences for human health, plant life, and soil quality.

Acid rain, construction sites, solid waste, mineral exploitation, and agricultural chemicals are the primary causes of land pollution.


Good day Thursday 😀 Your body can't heal without play. Your mind can't heal without LAUGHTER. your soul can't heal without joy😂 Get ready for the weekend🌎

This next week, I will focus and share my knowledge of the causes, effects, and solutions for the future. STAY TUNED!!

Until tomorrow, this land is your land and this land is my land, sure, but the world is run by those that never listen to music anyway. By Bob Dylan


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