Happiness does not always come from a pursuit. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it.
Hello followers,
Almost another weekend approaching.

Get ready!
It is Thursday time to become truly thankful.
The energy of gratitude is beautiful.

Using this ten-minute guided meditation, this will help you rise from gratitude into the even stronger energy of pure appreciation.
Dan and I posted some ways which were practicing mindfulness, eating clean, moving your body, getting out into nature, laughing, detoxing from technology, practicing acts of kindness, and listening to relaxing music.
Since it is getting closer the weekend why not take the time to connect with a friend.

Connecting with friends is a wonderful way to nourish your soul.
As you have learned, to nourish your soul is to find the things that help you connect to the world around you and truly feed the true, pure nature of your spirit.
Connecting with other people is something that can do just that.
The benefits of finding genuine, lasting friendships are many, including:

A deep sense of belonging and purpose.

Great sense of self-worth.

Boost happiness.

Reduce stress.

Encourage healthy habits.

These are just the sorts of things that you need to nurture a deep contentedness within your spirit and soul.
As Dan and I have been sharing and continuing the book from last week, Ten-Minute Relaxation, For Mind and Body by Jennie Harding, until the end.
Whenever you are feeling under pressure, ten minutes is all you need to relax totally, using tools that are always with you; your senses.
This book is packed full of wonderfully simple ideas and exercises for using sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch and that vital sixth sense of intuition to rebalance your energies and bring you back into harmony with the natural world around you.

Identify your favorite sensory relaxation solutions and combat that stress!
Per Dan and my experience this is another component in keeping ourselves healthy, meditation.
By using your five senses, you can learn to relax in just ten minutes.


Another ten-minute exercise, on a fresh piece of paper, try painting four different colored large shapes.
A triangle
A circle

A square
A rectangle

And fill them in.
When they are there in front of you, let your brush find a way of joining these shapes together.
Maybe a different colored wavy line.
Or maybe a series of dots, as you wish.

Let your instinct guide you.
There is no right or wrong, this is just a fun exploration of shapes.
If you find you enjoy these exercises, keep on experimenting, and let your love of color guide you!
Friday, Dan, and I will start on CREATIVE TASTE-
As Dan and I start a new year; we will be posting daily 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.
The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.

February 9th
IN SOFTNESS, WE OPEN UP to possibility, hope, and creation.
You are the master creator of your life, and your hopes and dreams are meant to become a reality.

There is no need to hold on tight.
Allow space for what is meant to leave so what is meant to be can fill the space.
When your dreams come to fruition, hold gratitude deep in your heart, because you created and believed in your possibility.

Soften into your newfound success and into greater trust in yourself.

PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Until Friday, sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something,
and sometimes one creates as significant of an impression by remaining silent.
