A person's worth in this world is estimated according to the value they put on themselves.
Hello Followers,
Today starts a new week, HAPPY MONDAY.

This morning before I made up my bed, I headed straight to the living room to wish Dan a happy birthday.
On this day in 1951 he came into this world, 70 years ago.
And I’m so grateful for the powers in being, for we met up in 1979.

Husband, soulmate, partner, friend; we have been together ever since and was the best thing that ever happened to me.
He opened up my heart and came in, showed me strength and made me feel worthy.
Dan has stood by me for over 40 years and gave the opportunity to share with you this blog, by being the editor and helping research the information posted.
So, today is his day, let’s all wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
This is what he taught me!

Strength in self-worth comes from finding qualities you excel at.
These qualities will be a constant reminder whenever you start feeling like you are not worthy enough.
Little things like a list of your talents, things you like about yourself that make you stand out, challenges you’ve won at, how you’ve helped other people, and other great reflections are examples of questions you should have answers to.
Your strength lies in those questions.

Written by me on Monday, December 31, 2012

As I wake up this morning on the last day of 2012, I feel very humble and do not take each day for granted any more.
As the New Year approaches, we all have a new beginning.
Why don’t we in 2013 treat ourselves to KNOWLEDGE?
That is the best gift of all!
For with education, we can add power to our own bodies.

Just think if we all gain KNOWLEDGE on ways to take care of our health, then we will be a more productive world.
This new year I would like to challenge you to go on the internet or read a book at least one hour a day and gain trust back into your mind with the education of healing ourselves with what GOD has given us. There is so much out there all you have to do is seek it.
2013 will be a better year if we all take part and educate one another.

There is a saying that comes to my mind that we are all drops in the ocean, but together we create an ocean.
Let’s be that ocean in making peace, love and good will.
May each of my followers have a healthy and peaceful New Year and continue to grow with the resources of the new technology we have available to us.
Go now with the POWER OF KNOWLEDGE.

There are two paths to self-worth

One begins with a real or perceived lack of support, love, or encouragement in childhood.
As a child becomes an adult, they have to decide to have something that was never fostered or nurtured.
This is difficult to overcome because there is a false belief that if their parents, the two people who knew them the most and should have loved them the most; didn’t actually love them.
How could anyone who truly knows them love them?
The challenges letting people in and becoming comfortable with the vulnerability that is love.

The second path to self-worth begins with a real or perceived abundance of support, love, or encouragement to childhood.
As the child becomes an adult, they are accustomed to being loved, approved of and validated in the home.
When they are rejected, it’s so completely foreign to them that they may be drawn into trying to prove their worth to this job, friends, or relationship.
They cannot understand why they aren’t loved.
The challenges are realizing that rejection doesn’t mean there’s a need to change the self to become acceptable to another and discovering worth that is independent of the agreement or disagreement of others.

Neither path is easy.
Neither path is impossible to navigate.
It may take experiencing a few of the same kinds of relationships before a pattern is recognized.
Even then, if the person comes to that conclusion that all women are emotional. Or all men are liars, then they are missing their lesson.
If, and only if, they recognize their part in allowing the mistreatment to continue and they assess the reasons why; they will be freed from the obstacle of lack of self-worth.
The pitfall is to become trapped in wondering that would have happened had their childhood been different.
No matter how it was, there would still be the other side to face in adult relationships.
Challenges to self-worth would arise in the form of either that’s all I’ve ever known or I’ve never experienced this before.

How many are you out there are left-handers?
I raise my left hand! When I was growing up, I learned everything right-handed; which made everything I did the wrong way.
It’s time to share some words from THE LEFT-HANDER’S HANDBOOK.
It’s a time when educators have come to understand the unique importance of left-handers.
Juniata College in Darby, Pennsylvania, offers a special scholarship exclusively reserved for left-handers.
If you are interested in reading Dan’s and My Journey Through Cancer without Surgery, Chemo or Radiation, just click on the books for more information:
MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer

Dan and I grabbed an opportunity nine years ago, when we took on the adventure and moved to Mexico. Back then, we didn’t know what to expect, except that both of us were alive and ready for a change. We had been going to Tijuana for cancer treatments and knew somewhat what we were heading into. We ended up living in the center of the country however; better for travel purposes and it was nothing like what we had thought about. To this date, we are back in the states living in Virginia and what we took from Mexico was friendships, culture and understanding of their ways of life.

Through thousands of pictures that I took, Dan and I are showing how safe Mexico is. There is a saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’; this is so true! A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a lot of written words.
"Chinese proverb. One picture is worth ten thousand words."
So, we will be posting a gallery of pictures on each post, hopefully you will see each one has a story.
Today will continue the series on LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown. Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy. A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.
For more information click on book

TODAY, finding ways to handle the negative feelings requires conscious thought on your part.
Talking to an outsider who can lend objective insights without feeling the need to direct your steps is beneficial.
Exercise helps release the punch.
Music lifts the spirits.
Outside interests occupy time, consume energy and refocus thoughts.
Being involved with others keeps normal in mind.
Becoming enthusiastic about work or a hobby gives you other outlets.
To me continued tomorrow.

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs. In the coming week, Dan and I will be blogging the benefits of NETTLE. It’s amazing what and how nettle can help keep your body healthy?

Let’s face it, a lot of toxins tend to build up in our blood due to poor lifestyle and unhealthy diets.
Fortunately, one of the easiest ways to reduce the impact that these toxins have is through the use of stinging nettle as it is very effective at purifying your blood and flushing out any harmful substances.
This can actually help alleviate eczema by cleansing your skin from the inside, but we’ll delve deeper into the skin benefits of stinging nettle in our final section so be sure to read till the end.
It’s worth noting that the blood purification properties of stinging nettle can boost the health of your pancreas.
Furthermore, it can also help regulate blood sugar levels which is very crucial for diabetics.
If you really want to purify your blood then try drinking this tea every day for a month.
You should do this every June and December to ensure that your blood stays clean throughout the year.

THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal and keep your body cells happy.

As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).
I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and household chores!!!
Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out. They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!
This Florida girl remembers, several years ago going upstate NY during October; for Dan's class reunion.
I was amazed with the change of the leaves. It never gets old and now living near the Blue Ridge Mountains, leaves, leaves falling everywhere.

Also, meditation videos, help to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/meditation
Affirmations for Self-Worth [6-Minute Mindfulness Meditation]
This short, mindfulness meditation break is specially designed to help you love and appreciate YOU.
This short, positive affirmation mindfulness meditation for self-worth should help you realize your value and start to honor it, day by day.
I am worthy of all that the world has to offer, just as much as anyone else.
I am deserving of love and hope and all good, simply because I am human.
I release any need to prove myself or gain acceptance from others.
Others cannot dictate my worth, any more than I can dictate theirs.
I may be different in many ways than others, but this is what makes me unique.
My uniqueness is where I make my difference, in a way that others can’t.
And I am grateful that they make a difference for me in their unique ways, each day.
I surrender, allowing the universe to guide me so my unique gifts can surface.
I let go and accept my worthiness, as the amazing; unique ME that I am.
“Surrender is a gift that you can give yourself. It’s an act of faith. It’s saying that even though I can see where this river is flowing, I trust it will take me in the right direction.” ~ Debbie Ford

We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/blog and on the right-hand side are hash #tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!
A person's worth in this world is estimated according to the value they put on themselves.
Until Tuesday, your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling, and everything to do with how you treat yourself.
