If our life has a meaning, an aim, it has nothing to do with our personal happiness, but -
If our life has a meaning, an aim, it has nothing to do with our personal happiness, but something wiser and greater.
Hello Followers,
How was your first day of JUNE?

The summer is finally here!
This is just the first of many days that will make up this exciting time in your life.
Dan and I hope you’re excited about it because we are!
Continuing on the topic of SOMETHING BIGGER THAN YOURSELF, DOING SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOURSELF; start some soul searching.

How does your family inspire you?
What do they depend on you to do or be?
What goals do you have for your family?
What can help you and your loved ones to realize these goals?

It’s the second day of June, Dan and I thought on continuing this segment with the series with some fun; What is it about June that’s so significant during this month?
June 2nd is National I Love My Dentist Day.

National I Love My Dentist Day is celebrated worldwide on June 2.
This day is specifically dedicated to dentists from all over the world for all the fantastic work that they do to keep us smiling.
National I Love My Dentist Day is celebrated to show your love for your dentist.
This day is a symbol of appreciation for all dentists and their services.

The earliest mention of dentistry as a medical profession date back to the Indus Valley Civilization from around 7000 B.C.
However, it was only after 5000 B.C. that descriptions related to tooth decay and dentistry started appearing.
In one of the Sumerian texts, dental decay is said to have been caused by tooth worms.
This idea wasn’t ruled out or proven untrue until the 1700s.
Popular ancient physicians and philosophers like Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote about dentistry.
Their writing mostly entailed details on the treatment of tooth decay.

But only after 1530 was the inaugural book on dentistry published.
The book was titled “The Little Medicinal Book for All Kinds of Diseases and Infirmities of the Teeth”.
Dentistry became a more defined profession by the 1700s.
In 1723, a French surgeon called Pierre Fauchard was honored and also accredited as the ‘Father of Modern Dentistry.’
“The Surgeon Dentist, a Treatise on Teeth” is quite an influential book written by him in which he extensively explained the comprehensive system that was used for taking care of one’s teeth and also getting them treated when necessary.

I Love My Dentist Day was created in the U.S. to show appreciation for dentists.
It is a health day targeted towards bringing attention to the improvement of dental health and hygiene.
As per reports, in most industrialized countries, one of the most frequent infectious diseases is dental cavities.
As much as 95% of people may, knowingly or unknowingly, be suffering from a dental problem.

I Love My Dentist Day began so that you can send a thank-you note or email to your dentist thanking them for the work they have done for you in the past.
This might also be a good day to review brushing and flossing techniques and check when your next dental appointment is scheduled for.

If you don’t have a great bond or connection with your current dentist, I Love My Dentist Day might be the perfect time to search for a new dentist and schedule an appointment for a regular check-up.
Smiling as much as possible is also imperative on this day.
It’s also National Rotisserie Chicken Day.

National Rotisserie Chicken Day is organized on June 2 every year.
You can cook chicken in various ways, but rotisserie chicken is prepared in a slow cooking method that seals in the flavor.

On this day, people from all over the world prepare and eat chicken in this way, which is slowly becoming known as a healthy cooking option.
Did you know that the rotisserie chicken is also referred to as tandoori chicken in India and its neighboring countries?

Time is precious and is priceless, so Dan and I will continue each day to pull from a box of 365 inspirational quotes; one quote and share with you.
Today is:

Continuing from last year the series on LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown.
Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy.
A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.
For more information click on book
Different is fine as long as it doesn’t invade our inner circle or come too close to how we live.
That’s why all of us understand the whispered innuendo about the outsider by marriage, he or she is not one of the family.
We can identify with the pride a parent feels when someone comments about their child.
Why, they just like you.
If different is a member of the family, they are kept on the fringe, not a full-fledged member.
The person is considered messed up, hard to get along with, out-to-lunch, embarrassing, or a pain.
How sad!
Different can; enrich, broaden, increase the possibilities.

This is the spot that Dan and I have been posting, on the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs.
This week Dan and I have been blogging on the herb; DANDELION and the benefits.
It’s amazing what and how dandelion can help keep your body healthy?

How about weight loss and dandelion?
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is losing weight.
Whether this is for social confidence, health reasons, or you just want to look ripped in the new year, dandelions can actually help you achieve your goal for once.

If you incorporate dandelion tea into your regular diet then this year may finally be the last year that you have to talk about losing weight.
Dandelions help the waste process happen at a quicker rate if you consume them on a regular basis which can make it easier to shed fat along with water weight.
It also boosts the production of bile, making your digestive system healthier.

Dandelions are also a natural laxative meaning that they won’t have any problem with cleaning out your colon and preventing diseases that may otherwise develop.
Lastly, you can use dandelion tea as a snack in between meals to relieve your hunger without filling you with calories.

The PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
If our life has a meaning, an aim, it has nothing to do with our personal happiness, but something wiser and greater. #ourlife#meaning#aim#hasnothingtodo#personal#happiness💕 #something#wiser#greater#newbeginnings✨ #motivational#inspirational#somethingbiggerthanyourself

Until Friday, there are certain things that have universal attributes, like music.
Something of greater magnitude is conveyed by them.
They connect us with the universal storehouse of life and knowledge.