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May 21, 2024

Hello followers,

Welcome to Tuesday!

Whatever you want in life, other people are going to want it too.

Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an equal right to it.

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.

The time will pass anyway.

Pursue your dreams no matter what hurdles you think you have in front of you.

If you do not try, you will never reach your goal.


Goodness is a choice.

You have the choice to spread goodness.

Goodness inspires you to act so that you may live your dreams.

Goodness is about character, integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like.

More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.

Goodness is related to our character and how we behave toward others.

It is not just about being nice.

 It is about having integrity, being honest, kind, generous, and showing courage in doing the right thing.

Goodness brings extra positivity and beauty to life, like flowers offering more than just their primary purpose.

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 This year’s affirmations are from the book- Everyday Affirmations

365 Mantras for happiness, strength, and peace.

Follow everyday -

Dan and I highly recommend you check it out.

Let Everyday Affirmation be your go-to for a moment of stillness, gentleness, and generosity for a year full of happiness, strength, and peace.

May 21st


You do not have to be good all the time.

But goodness is always worth striving for, no matter where you are in your life.

You deserve to be good to yourself, and you are responsible for being good to others.

You do not have to be perfect to be good every moment of the day.

That is too much pressure to put on yourself or others.

You still owe it to yourself and others to try.

PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

10-minute guided meditation to feel good about who you are.

No one can give you permission to be yourself except you.

 In this meditation you will do just that with some inner journeying and energy work to help recognize your deepest self-love.

Come out of this refreshed, alive, and more deeply connected to the freedom of being yourself.

You deserve it!

It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.

Dan and I welcome you to go to the tag words and explore our posts.

Until Wednesday, gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life,

which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality.


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