The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.
Hello Followers,
Happy Hump Day!

Today Dan and I are refreshing our outlook, for several months we have been sharing posts on; QUOTES ABOUT LIVING.
This has been something that we have been reflecting on, for karma, intuition, forgiveness, trust, appreciation, love, thoughts and words, power, time all are related to the BIG PICTURE; keeping your body healthy.
We can talk about diseases and treatments, but what about getting to the root of these issues; the big picture.

For many years, I’ve been searching on why Dan and I had both been diagnosed with cancer.
Then one day, I just came across this book in Barnes & Noble; this book grabbed my eye and I picked it up.
It was like, it was meant for me and it connected to why one should start to build on the foundation of the causes; the root of all evils.

Time moves surprisingly fast.
In life, you turn around and before you know it, years have gone by.
Time is the most precious resource we have at our disposal.
On this earth, we only have a limited amount of time to spend with our friends, family and loved ones.
But although we have the same number of hours in a day, many of us never seem to have enough time.

Some people seem to be able to get more from their day than others.
Making the most of your time boils down to time management – you have to plan, prioritize, and spend wisely the hours you have.

How many are you out there are left-handers?
I raise my left hand! When I was growing up, I learned everything right-handed; which made everything I did the wrong way.
It’s time to share some words from THE LEFT-HANDER’S HANDBOOK.
Left-handers are a different breed.
They really are!
Right-handers are wired into the logical half of the brain, which makes them sensible, reasonable and dull.

But left-handers are wired into the artistic half of the brain, which makes them imaginative, creative, surprising, ambiguous, exasperating, stubborn, emotional, witty, obsessive, infuriating, delightful, original, but never, never dull.

The bloom may be brief, but the memory of its beauty will last a lifetime.
We are remembered by the beauty we leave behind.
There will never, ever be another person like you; another day like this, another moment like this one.

PLUS, another moment like this one.
Make sure to appreciate the good in all three.
Do what you’ll wish you would have done.
Tomorrow, starting a new series on FAITH –
If you are interested in reading Dan’s and My Journey Through Cancer without Surgery, Chemo or Radiation, just click on the books for more information:
MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer

Dan and I grabbed an opportunity nine years ago, when we took on the adventure and moved to Mexico. Back then, we didn’t know what to expect, except that both of us were alive and ready for a change. We had been going to Tijuana for cancer treatments and knew somewhat what we were heading into. We ended up living in the center of the country however; better for travel purposes and it was nothing like what we had thought about. To this date, we are back in the states living in Virginia and what we took from Mexico was friendships, culture and understanding of their ways of life.

Through thousands of pictures that I took, Dan and I are showing how safe Mexico is. There is a saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’; this is so true! A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a lot of written words.
"Chinese proverb. One picture is worth ten thousand words."
So, we will be posting a gallery of pictures on each post, hopefully you will see each one has a story.
Tomorrow I will continue the series on LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown. Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy. A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.
For more information click on book

You recognize the power of emotions to wash you with invigorating energy as a sudden rush of adrenaline increases the heart and respiration rates when you have been surprised or frightened.
You know the warm, fuzzy feelings stimulated by friendship and the all-consuming high of new love.
You have experienced the down, blue feelings that come in different times.
Emotions have power to affect how you feel.

So how do you feel in relationships that cause high levels of stress?
You feel tired, exhausted, volcanic, numbed, and perhaps ill.
As stress causes the slowing of production of the morphinelike substances, the ability to think clearly, the motivation to change, or the stamina to handle life with enthusiasm are depleted.

The slowed production of the hormones negatively affects T-cell production which, in turn, affects the immune system capability.
Continue tomorrow –

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs. In the coming week, Dan and I will be blogging the benefits of TURMERIC. It’s amazing what and how turmeric can help keep your body healthy?
Did you know Turmeric can boost brain-derived neurotrophic factors?

Before scientists had a better understanding of neurons, it was believed that they weren’t able to divide and multiply after early childhood.
However, they now know that isn’t the case.
Neurons are capable of forming new connections, and in certain areas of the brain they can multiply and increase in number.

One of the main drivers of this process is brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
This is a gene that’s involved in making a protein responsible for promoting the life of neurons.
The BDNF protein plays a role in memory and learning, and it can be found in areas of the brain responsible for eating, drinking, and body weight.
Many common brain disorders have been linked to decreased levels of BDNF protein, including depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

Interestingly, animal studies have found that curcumin may increase brain levels of BDNF.
By doing this, it may be effective in delaying or even reversing many brain diseases and age-related decreases in brain function.
Still, since these studies were performed in animals, it’s hard to say what the results mean for humans.

It may also help improve memory and attention, which seems logical given its effects on BDNF levels.

Curcumin boosts levels of the brain hormone BDNF, which increases the growth of new neurons and may help fight various degenerative processes in your brain.

THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal keep your body cells happy.
As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while
managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).
It's great to just get out and walk Dan and I love walking down the hill to the local mall.
We stopped in Kroger today for some coffee and eggs.
Thought of fish and chips for dinner which requires eggs.
I would love to give a plug out to Misfits for the sweet potatoes and Vital Choice for the cod.
I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and household chores!!!

Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out. They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!

Also, meditation videos, help to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on
LISTEN EVERY DAY! Guided Meditation for Success, Wealth and Happiness
Listen to his before you start your day and before you go to bed! Guided meditation for success, wealth and happiness!
“Surrender is a gift that you can give yourself. It’s an act of faith. It’s saying that even though I can see where this river is flowing, I trust it will take me in the right direction.” ~ Debbie Ford

We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog and on the right-hand side are hash # tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!
The key is in not spending time, but in investing it. #key🔑 #spending#time⌚ #investing#inspirational#motivational
Until Thursday, don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One person gets only a week's value out of a year while another person gets a full year's value out of a week.

