Trusting is hard. Knowing who to trust, even harder.
Hello followers,
Happy Hump Day! Still in Florida, making the most out of a bad situation. Visiting family and friends that we have known for over 30 years, while waiting for our car to get fixed.

For more then 6 years, living in Mexico we didn’t have the headache of owning a car, the stress wasn’t there. Dan and I felt a big weight lifted from us. However, now back in the states a car is needed. So, we felt it was better to trust our car with our mechanic back in Oldsmar.
That’s where it will be until cleared to drive back to Virginia.

Speaking of trust, that’s my next series that I will be posting about.
If your trust has been broken, you may think you will never allow yourself to trust again.
If you are ‘once bitten twice shy’ it’s easy to believe no one is to be trusted.
But don’t try to protect yourself by being mistrusting – all you’re doing is putting up a wall between yourself and others. And this is a certain recipe for a lonely and unfulfilled life without meaningful relationships.

You can move past the heartbreak of broken trust. You can learn how to trust again.
Even if you’ve been deeply wounded or have experienced traumatic episodes of betrayal, you don’t have to let another person’s untrustworthiness affect your ability to trust.
Learning to trust means becoming confident that things will work out how you want them to be or better.

You are not a fool for trusting someone who lied to you. They are the fool, for lying to someone who trusted them. It’s the easiest thing in the world to get away with temporarily and the hardest thing to recover from permanently, please don’t let it change you.

There are already way too many of them and far too few of you.
If you are interested in reading Dan’s and My Journey Through Cancer without Surgery, Chemo or Radiation, just click on the books for more information:
MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer
OZONE TREATMENT - Oct 25, 2012
Since it was a busy day, I do not have time to write a lot because I am being transferred from room to room for different types of treatment. I have decided to have Sherry take movies of my day.
Here is a movie of Dr. Bustamante doing the ozone treatment.

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs.
Continuing blogging on the herb - PARSLEY. Parsley can be used in many different ways to support almost every aspect of your health. Yesterday the topic ended on how consuming parsley in concentrated doses every day helps to boost your metabolism. Today I’m blogging on consuming concentrated forms of parsley.

Women who experience issues with heavy or extensive periods can also benefit from including fresh parsley and parsley infused oils in their diet. The antioxidant polyphenols found in fresh parsley, and parsley infused oils, helps to correct any hormone imbalances.
Estrogen, the female hormone, is responsible for the intensity and duration of your period. Women with too little estrogen or too much may experience abnormalities in the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of estrogen imbalance may also lead to the development of volatile mood swings in women. Consuming concentrated forms of parsley, such as infused oils can help to reduce systemic inflammation and symptoms of pain while restoring estrogen production.
As a result, the patient may find that their mood improves, and they don’t suffer from severe cramping or pelvic aches during their cycle.

Add parsley extract to a carrier oil, such as coconut or extra-virgin olive oil. Rub the oil into the skin around your stomach to gain some additional relief from cramps and bloating. The diuretic properties of the herb also help to reduce water retention as well.

THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal and keep your body cells happy.
As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).

I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and household chores!!!
Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out. They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!
Also, meditation videos, help to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on . Again, they are no more than 10 to 20 mins and they are guided meditations.
“Surrender is a gift that you can give yourself. It’s an act of faith. It’s saying that even though I can’t see where this river is flowing, I trust it will take me in the right direction.” ~ Debbie Ford
We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog and on the right-hand side are hash # tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!
Trusting is hard. Knowing who to trust, even harder. #trusting #hard #knowing #trust #harder #inspirational #motivational
Until Thursday, breaking someone’s trust is like crumpling up a perfect piece of paper. You can smooth it over but it’s never going to be the same again.