A positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.
Hello followers,
Yesterday, Dan and I woke up early, for Dan had some routine blood work. So, he made us some coffee to take with us and poured it into a thermoset our daughter gave us last Christmas.

While on the road, we decided to go to our favorite park for a light picnic. As we were moving, we stopped for gas and then went to get a bagel for the park. What a great way to start the day, a bite to eat in nature and then a stroll in the park.
Happy - Pharrell Williams (Lyrics) 🎵
During our walk we chose our positive word – HAPPY and proceeded to talk about common sense.
Yes, you can roll your eyes at Dan and I; for we have wondered about others and the decisions they make. We wonder do some people in high positions truly have common sense? Also, what will your positive word be today?

People acquire different forms of knowledge; some are harder to understand than others and require decades of intensive study, while others are simple data that simply hit our brains and stick to them. By dividing the phrase into two words – “common” and “sense” – we can begin to get to the heart of the matter.
“Common” implies that there is something available to everyone that can be freely used by common people along with educated and privileged people. “Sense” often refers to one of the body’s senses and its ability to perceive external stimuli, such as seeing, smelling and touching.

Basically, “sense” refers to an understanding of something and recognizing an object based on past or present experiences.
So far this makes sense, YES!
Put the two words together, and you get “an understanding that is widely available to everyone,” or generally available intelligence. Making practical decisions and informed judgments based on the facts presented in reality is an example of “common sense.” Analyzing a scenario and making logical and clear decisions based on experience – leads to an optimal outcome.

Many people regard “common sense” as knowledge or ability acquired through experience, not an academic study. So, when a person does something that is considered “nonsensical,” it is argued that he lacks “common sense.” They may never have encountered a particular situation and therefore do not know how to behave appropriately, but a “common sense” error can often be due to a lack of concentration, a momentary lapse in our unconscious brain.
Ok, I buy that!
Certain decisions do not need to be consciously debated; after repeated repetition of a certain scenario, our reaction or behavior becomes routine, which is a manifestation of “common sense.”

Wisdom increases with experience, but it also includes more subjective notions and judgments. There is no debate that walking through traffic is foolish and a threat to your safety; it is objectively dangerous and shows a lack of “common sense.”
However, there is no objective proof that leaving a comfortable job and taking a risk at a bigger opportunity is a “sensible” decision. Wisdom can help to inform the latter decision, but not “common sense”.
Ok, wisdom can help to inform a sensible decision!

A natural ability to make good decisions and behave rationally helps you function within society, obey social norms, protect yourself, assess situations correctly, and develop relationships.
This can lead to conflict at any stage of life. Although “common sense” is regarded as generally available knowledge and practical application, since each individual’s experience is different, so is their understanding of and access to “common sense”.

So, when making a decision; remember are you making it with knowledge, wisdom or emotional! This will define your common sense. We walked 5 miles today, which went fast for we solved all the problems in the world with our common sense!

Yesterday I started out the post with positive thinking. I remember how I used to think!
I was constantly focusing on the bad side of humanity, so that was all I could hear from the media and the people I hung out with. This cast a shadow, which took the joy out of life. It should have been obvious that I was creating my own misery, but I wasn’t able to see how my own thoughts affected my mood.

I had to change my entire outlook by training my mind to see things in a new light. It would have been easy to stay on the same path. After all, I had chronic fatigue, stress, and nothing to look forward to because I didn’t have a compelling vision of the future. I felt the present situation was permanent. Cancer changed all these for Dan and I. Eventually, I’d had enough and started thinking about what I could do to change my situation. So, we did research and used some common sense. The change was slow, but a new path that wasn’t clear to me before; started to appear as I worked on my mindset. As things progressed, my goals and dreams became bigger and more ambitious. I started imagining being fit, healthy, no more cancer, and moving to Mexico.

As we changed and started our new journey ten years ago, these are some of the things we did to change my mindset and my life. We met some positive friends. Then we thought that a negative social circle will act as an echo chamber for bad ideas. A positive social circle will also act as an echo chamber, but one that supports your dreams, so choose your friends carefully. Our doctors and friends we met in Mexico stood by us and gave us support toward the types of treatments we chose to survive cancer.

You too can find people who reflect the values you want to adopt. Join groups online and go to networking or social events focused on personal growth. As your own mind starts to change, it’ll become easier to connect with more positive people.
I’m not suggesting that you ditch friends who are going through a hard time and need your support, but rather that you evaluate whether some of your relationships are persistently draining and unhealthy.
To be more positive you need to challenge your thoughts. When old thinking comes up, as it will, it’s not enough to try and ignore it. You need to challenge your beliefs. Weigh your thoughts against the evidence. If they crumble, then explore why you believe them in the first place. By challenging your thoughts, your mindset will begin to evolve. When I found out that I had cancer, the first thing that came to my mind was; everyone in my family that had cancer died. Would that most likely happen to me. I decided to change my mind set and use common sense! Why, choose the same protocol; surgery, chemo or radiation? No, I’m going to try something different and I was determined to overcome this disease.

Tomorrow, I will be blogging more on ideas to change one’s mind set.

As you learn to trust and act on your sense of intuition, it will continue to strengthen. Soon it will become like any other sense and will guide you toward good and away from danger. If you saw a train coming toward you, you would move out of the way. if you hear the phone, you answer it.
This will become the way your intuition works. You will just know when to move toward or away from people and circumstances as reliably as if you had seen, heard, or known with information from any other sense.

Embracing the joy of missing out does not mean signing up to a life of solitude. It’s all about finding the balance and discovering which people in your life give you a boost and make you feel good about yourself.
It’s also important to identify who makes you feel less than great and exacerbates your feelings of FOMO. Of course, there are those we cannot escape, such as family and colleagues, but some clever social tricks will soon mute their toxicity.
Go ahead and hang out with your friends, but just make sure you’re left feeling uplifted from the time you spend with them.
If you are interested in reading Dan and my journey through cancer without surgery, chemo or radiation, just click on the books for more information:
MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer
This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs. Today I’m going to continue blogging on the herb – NUTMEG. Now since I’m home from my mini vacation and have the book of recipes, later in the week I’ll share some with the ingredients of nutmeg.

Continuing on some more benefits of nutmeg. There are two main things that give a person healthy hair, a strong immune system, and a hair regimen that doesn’t consist of harmful toxin-filled products. Nutmeg is a great organic source of special ingredients that helps support growth while removing harmful pollutants from your hair. By allowing your roots, oil glands, scalp, and follicles to detox from harmful hair products, air pollutants, or even chemicals in the water you can begin to reverse the negative effects and grow stronger more beautiful hair.

You can buy hair products that contain nutmeg, or you can make your own. A simple mix of nutmeg, honey, and coconut oil can detox your scalp and stimulate growth. This healing formula removes past buildup to get rid of poisons that can cause scalp conditions, hair breakage, and hair loss. The ingredients work together to clarify your hair by removing hair product buildup, dead skin, and environmental toxins.

THIS IS AN INCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal and keep your body cells happy.
As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).

I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and household chores!!! Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out. They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!
Yesterday along our walk
Also, meditation videos, help to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/meditation . Again, they are no more than 10 to 20 mins and they are guided meditations.
We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/blog and on the right-hand side are hash # tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!
Make time for yourself. Believe in yourself...⏳
Until Friday, positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.