Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside of you.
Hello Followers,

Here in the states, it is Labor Day Weekend.
You know the universe is a beautiful and wonderful place.
Explore what you have around you.
Sometimes it helps to think about how big and incredibly awe-inspiring our world and the whole universe is to put things in perspective.
We do not have all the answers yet, but this planet is an incredible place to be, and it is an amazing time to be alive.
Just go outside and look up at the stars. 🙂
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
– Buddha
How big is the universe?
Let us take a journey from Earth to the solar system, closest stars, the Milky Way, and the observable universe.
Along the way we will stop by the Oort cloud, Alpha Centauri, radio sphere, Andromeda galaxy, Virgo supercluster, and Laniakea.
Dan and I welcome you to go to our YouTube site to enjoy and bring uplifting vibes to your day.
Also subscribe to
Continuing as in the previous posts; 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.
The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.
September 2nd

When you find yourself in a state of scarcity, think about a time when your needs were met.
Remember how you felt anxious, wondering how it would all work out.
Remember that it did work out.
Be grateful for that time and the trust that helped result in that outcome.
Tap into that feeling and clear the worry to allow space for whatever is on the way.
PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong.
Dan and I have started back bouncing and walking to Walk at Home YouTube.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
This is a 10-minute guided meditation to becoming the center of your universe.
If you have spent many years of your life, as I have, giving of yourself to others without receiving in return or simply extinguishing your own energy to be of service to others while not giving yourself the replenishment you deserve, this meditation was designed with you in mind.
You may have resistance towards putting yourself first, but this gentle practice is designed to help you ease into it, with love and grace.
When you are done, ask yourself the following:
1. What are ways I could be more supportive of myself?
2. What needs of mine are unmet thought I can fill right now?
3. What no longer serves me that I'm ready to release?
4. What is one commitment to myself I choose to make today?
5. Any other insights from your meditation experience that you'd like to remember?

For us, that may be walking through a park, walking in a mall, or going to the gym and just staying home, bouncing, and walking to Walk at Home with YouTube.
This also includes daily meditation and twice a week Tai Chi.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Until Sunday, when a person really desires something,
all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.