Hello Thursday,
The week is almost coming to an end, the weather in Virginia this weekend is going to be in the 90’s. How about where you live, what is the weather going to be like?

Two days ago, I went to my functional medicine doctor and she has asked when my last mammogram was? I explained I had one ten years ago and chose not to have any more. She then proceeded to explain to me about thermography. Dan was going to have a Pet Scan, but our doctor suggested a thermography for him.
Did you know they can do a complete body thermography? Something to think about next time due to cancer, having one instead of a Cat Scan, MRI, or even a Pet Scan. I found it interesting, this is why I’m blogging about it, before I forget to share.

Thermography is a test that uses an infrared camera to detect heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues and is the first choice used in Europe in many cases prior to a mammogram for women.
The idea behind this test is that, as cancer cells multiply, they need more oxygen-rich blood to grow. When blood flow to the tumor increases, the temperature around it rises.
One advantage is that thermography doesn’t give off radiation.
You ask, is it an alternative to a mammogram?

Thermography has been around since the 1950s. It first caught the interest of the medical community as a potential screening tool.
What to expect during the procedure?
You may be asked to avoid wearing deodorant on the day of the exam.
You’ll first undress from the waist up, so that your body can become acclimated to the temperature of the room. Then you will stand in front of the imaging system.
A technician will take a series of six images — including front and side views — of your breasts. The whole test takes about 30 minutes.
Your doctor will analyze the images, and you’ll receive the results within a few days.
Good morning Thursday 😊 life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it. Have a fantastic day 🌼
Possible side effects and risks; thermography is a noninvasive test that uses a camera to take images. There is no radiation exposure, no compression of your breasts, and no real risk.
Chronic illness and breast abnormalities develop over time. Whole Body thermography can identify underlying causes, often long before symptoms develop, so healing can begin.
It can be used for early detection of multiple clinical abnormalities, to identify the root cause of disease, to guide and monitor treatments.

“This technology is the most comprehensive evaluation of the functioning of the internal organs of the human body.” Dr. Michael Einsohn, D.C. Dallas Thermography Clinic
Whole Body Thermography measures the health of key organs and tissues including, breasts, ovaries, uterus, heart, spinal column, prostate, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, colon, immune, teeth, lymph, sinus, thyroid, kidney.

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. ~Jim Rohn

As I end about organic foods, I’m going to blog today about natural pest control.
I remember, ten years ago after coming home from Mexico; after treatment setting up my own garden in my small porch. I was determined to grow organic cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, eggplant and peppers in this small area of my porch. It amazed me that this could be done. When Dan and I moved to Mexico, I had to find places for my plants. I looked to my friends from where I had worked and I know they would take great care of them.
I remember three years later, one of my friends sent me a picture of how happy the avocado plant was doing. She received avocados from that loving plant.
This article was posted on my blog on Saturday, March 28, 2015.

5 Flowers to Plant for Natural Pest Control
There’s a very beautiful thing about Mother Nature that happens when we don’t stuff her with too much gunk: Plants grow and animals live in harmony. Yes, it sounds like a children’s book written in the 1970s, but it’s also a notion that many an organic gardener is getting wise to these days.

Companion planting, a practice used by organic and biodynamic gardeners, is the term given when one plants certain types of plants near each other because they are mutually beneficial. In the case of growing food in a garden plot, there are a number of flowers you can plant for natural pest control. Toss out the pesticides (or wait, maybe you should contact the EPA to find out how to properly dispose of that toxic waste) and instead plant some attractive and aromatic flowers. Ah, that’s biodynamic gardening for you.
What it is: Commonly grown and used for culinary purposes in Britain, borage is an herb still not well known in America. These annual produces star-shaped flowers and is wonderful used in herbal teas, tinctures and leafy green recipes.
What it’s good for: Borage deters hornworms and cabbage worms and can help all plants increase their disease resistance.

What it is: These beautiful flowers are quite common in flower arrangements, as they come in a wide spectrum of colors.
What it’s good for is Chrysanthemums contain a chemical called pyrethin that’s toxic to insects but safe for human and animal consumption. Aside from planting these colorful flowers around your garden bed, you can also make a tea from the flowers and use it on root nematodes and to repel Japanese beetles.

What it is: This common soil cover grows as grass does, providing a thin, cohesive layer of green over the soil. There are over 300 varieties of clover to choose from, but the most popular is marked by small green clovers with tiny pink flowers.
What it’s good for: Clover has been known to ward off pests completely when used as ground cover in garden beds. Plant it around cabbage to prevent cabbageworm and aphids from taking hold.
What it is: Known for its delicate, violet leaves and pleasing aroma, lavender is used in everything from potpourri to tea and baked goods to frosting.

What it’s good for: Lavender not only repels pests in your garden, it also smells (and looks) heavenly. It’s used to repel most insects you’d want to keep out of the garden, particularly fleas, moths and mosquitoes.
What it is: Marigolds are a popular garden flower as they are cheap to obtain and contain vibrant orange hues.
What it’s good for: Plant the scented varieties of marigolds to deter pests.
The French Marigold variety is recommended for keeping whiteflies away from tomatoes, and they protect the health of the soil under the plants.

Sunday, April 20, 2014
5 Ways to Eliminate Garden Pests Without Nasty Chemical Pesticides
1. Sticky Traps – These can be purchased or made at home using a rigid material of a particular color that’s coated with a sticky substance. First you make sure the material is the right hue (colors like yellow, white, light blue and red each attract a different group of garden pests), then wrap in plastic wrap or a plastic bag (this makes it easier to remove trapped insects and reload), then cover that in organic adhesive like Tangle-Trap.
2. DIY All-Purpose Spray – Developed by the editors of Organic Gardening magazine over many years, this insect spray combines the repellent effects of garlic, onion, and hot pepper with the insecticidal and surfactant properties of soap. It’s particularly effective against leaf-eating garden pests, but apply only when necessary, as it can be fatal to pollinators and other beneficial insects.

3. Parasitic Nematodes - Don’t be scared by the word “parasite.” Or that other unfamiliar word. This term simply describes microscopic organisms whose life mission is to destroy pests that live underground. Beneficial nematodes move through the soil, they enter the body cavities of their target garden pests and release bacteria that kill that pest. Best of all, they’re completely safe for people, pets, and the environment, and are compatible with other beneficial insects.
Orcon sells beneficial nematodes that eliminate more than 230 different kinds of soil dwelling and wood boring insects, including Japanese beetles, cut worms, wire worms, weevils, white grubs, fungus gnat larvae, flea larvae, and subterranean termites.
4. Beneficial Insects – Sometimes the best way to fight fire, is with fire. Orcon also sells a variety of beneficial insects, creepy crawlers that are known to be the sworn enemy of garden pests like aphids, flies, mealy bugs, and brown garden snails. Simply unleash these good bugs into your garden, and they’ll fight the bad bugs on your behalf.

5. Backyard Chickens – If you’re raising chickens on your property, you’ve got a built-in system for controlling garden pests. Chickens (along with guinea fowl and ducks) love to eat Japanese beetles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you’re not too squeamish, picking them off plants by hand works nicely too. “Even if you don’t let your chickens scratch in your garden, your handpicking may be more enjoyable because you’ll have something tasty for your birds when you’re finished collecting the beetles,” explains Mother Earth News. In late spring, when Japanese beetle larvae are close to the soil surface, letting wild, bug-eating birds work over the area can have a lasting impact, too. Several readers shared that having nesting pairs of robins and bluebirds (which feed insects to their young) is the best way to keep Japanese beetles from getting out of hand.

When I lived in Mexico, I met Gabriel Ortiz Isaac.
In today’s world, we take food for granted. Just because the FDA approves processed foods deemed eatable does not mean that it is good for you. You are what you eat and food has a lot to do with your functions in everyday life.
Since living in Ajijic Mexico, I have been going to the Tuesday Market which sells organic and natural foods. There is this one family owned business “SABORGI” who’s stands by their products and motto, {we protect the environment & take care of you}.
I had the honor to interview Gabriel Ortiz Isaac and see firsthand the passion that the family has in our children’s future. The dedication of educating not just the Spanish people, but the ex-pats that live and visit this area.
We all need to learn from them the importance of what we eat.
Check out the face book page Saborgi Gourmet or e-mail them at The phone number is 33 3128 4530.
Can you guess what ingredients is used! Tomorrow, I will let the secret out.

Until tomorrow, there is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person. ~Rumer Godden, A House with Four Rooms