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Hello Tuesday,

Dan and I are overwhelmed with all what’s going on with the corona virus issue. I do not know about you, but being hunkered down for more than 80 days is getting to us!

I’m grateful that we are able to walk outside our door. However not being able to step into a restaurant or shop without worrying about catching the virus seems to make life quite crazy. Because of the uncertainty of not knowing, I’m choosing to stay home, until they figure the what and how to take care of this issue.

Are you having a bad mood emergency? Negative thoughts? Low energy? It only takes a few minutes of qigong to turn your energy around, feel refreshed and revitalized! This is what Dan and I did yesterday and it did help with my mood.


One of the positive circumstances on being stuck at home would be, I’m able to research on health problems that affects each and every one of us today. I can honestly say, that there are hidden pollution's that we are not considering that is affecting all of us.

My passion is to share my knowledge and research with all, which hopefully we will take seriously and make a change. Our children’s generation depends on it!!

The 21st Century has begun as an era of uncertainty, with a heightened focus on security and public safety. Gavin Newsom

Today I will be blogging on the next and last substances of air pollution; nitrogen oxides. Oxides of nitrogen are a mixture of gases that are composed of nitrogen and oxygen. Two of the most toxicologically significant compounds are nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. Other gases belonging to this group are nitrogen monoxide (or nitrous oxide), and nitrogen pentoxide.

Nitrogen dioxide is produced for the manufacture of nitric acid. Most nitric acid is used in the manufacture of fertilizers, while some is used in the production of explosives for both military and mining uses.

Cars, trucks, and buses are the largest sources of emissions, followed by power plants, diesel-powered heavy construction equipment and other movable engines, and industrial boilers. Man-made sources in the U.S. emitted 14 million metric tons of nitrogen oxides, mainly from burning fuels, in 2011.5 Emissions of nitrogen dioxide will decline as cleanup of many of these sources continue in future years.

Monitors show the highest concentrations of outdoor nitrogen oxides in large urban regions such as the Northeast corridor, Chicago and Los Angeles. Levels are higher on or near heavily traveled roadways.

Nitrogen oxides can be a problem indoors, as well. Kerosene or gas space heaters and gas stoves also produce substantial amounts of nitrogen dioxide. If those heaters or stoves are not vented fully to the outside, levels of it can build up indoors.

Breathing air with a high concentration of it can irritate airways in the human respiratory system. Such exposures over short periods can aggravate respiratory diseases, particularly asthma, leading to respiratory symptoms (such as coughing, wheezing or difficulty breathing), hospital admissions and visits to emergency rooms. Longer exposures to elevated concentrations of nitrogen oxides may contribute to the development of asthma and potentially increase susceptibility to respiratory infections. People with asthma, as well as children and the elderly are generally at greater risk for the health effects of nitrogen oxides.

Nitrogen’s oxides along with other nitrogen’s reacts with other chemicals in the air to form both particulate matter and ozone. Both of these are also harmful when inhaled due to effects on the respiratory system.

“Before artificial nitrogen fertilizer became widely available, the world's population was around 2 billion. When we no longer have it - or if we ever decide to stop using it - that may be the number to which our own naturally gravitates.”

― Alan Weisman, Countdown: Our Last Best Hope for a Future on Earth?

A large new study found evidence that people with lung cancer faced greater risk from nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and other outdoor air pollutants. The 2016 study tracked the air pollution levels from 1988 to 2011 experienced by more than 350,000 cancer patients in California. The researchers found that exposure to these air pollutants shortened their survival.

Looking beyond the lungs, newer research has linked nitrogen dioxide to cardiovascular harm, lower birth weight in newborns and increased risk of premature death.

Environmental effects

Nitrogen dioxide and other nitrogen’s interact with water, oxygen and other chemicals in the atmosphere to form acid rain. Acid rain harms sensitive ecosystems such as lakes and forests.


Hello Tuesday 😊 At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities 🦋 LIFE ❤️

The nitrate particles that result from it make the air hazy and difficult to see though. This affects the many national parks that we visit for the view.

Nitrogen’s in the atmosphere contributes to nutrient pollution in coastal waters.

So, we have covered water pollution, air pollution on land and next we are moving to land pollution.

Until tomorrow - Did pollution result from human activity which may have created a haze that absorbs and deflects the sun's rays?

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