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If a goal is worth having, it's worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to -

If a goal is worth having, it's worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it.


Hello Followers,

Welcome to the last day of JUNE.

Tomorrow starts July.

New month, new day, new date, new chapter, new page, new wishes and new milestones.

When you are welcoming a new month, make sure to do so with an open heart.

So, may the month ahead be filled with an abundance of magnificent miracles, blissful blessings, and splendid surprises.

It’s time to celebrate, reward yourself along the way.

Rewards aren’t just for reaching your big-picture goals.

Motivate yourself to keep setting milestones by giving yourself small gifts along the way.

Be careful, however, that they aren’t too small.

Just as you wouldn’t give a friend or client a cheap gift, nor should you give yourself one.

Give yourself something you’d never normally buy but would love to own.

Obviously, don’t go out and buy yourself a new car because you hit your step goal.

But a high-end, personalized coffee cup might be just the ticket.

Dan and I have rewarded ourselves with going to a new area to explore, since our adventure moving three years ago to Virginia.

So, it doesn’t have to be a product, it can be just nature or visiting history.

It’s the last day of JUNE - 30th day, Dan and I thought on continuing this segment with the series with some fun; What is it about June that’s so significant during this month?

National Handshake Day – June 30, 2022

Why not end the month of June with a handshake.

National Handshake Day is celebrated on the last Thursday of June each year, falling on June 30 this year, and we’re glad that this common greeting is getting a place in the spotlight after all the years it has been around.

Not only is the handshake the most universally recognized form of greeting, but it has also come to mean different things in different cultures, which is why learning more about it will come in handy pun intended.

Throughout history and across different cultural contexts, the handshake has been practiced as an expression of peace or goodwill and is almost like a common language that binds us together the world over.

It’s no wonder, then, that we want to make a big deal out of this innocuous gesture.

Sociologically, the handshake has come to be a symbol of things hidden below the surface, as you can tell a lot about a person from the way they shake hands.

Perhaps, for this reason, secret handshakes have also become popular, giving people a sense of belonging to a particular group.

However, you view the handshake; one has to admit that it deserves its own day, just owing to the sheer frequency of its use in our daily lives.

The handshake is possibly one of the oldest forms of greeting in the world, and it needs to be acknowledged for this very fact, as well as all that it can mean across different contexts.

While the exact origin of the handshake is not known, there are traces of pictorial evidence on pottery and pressings, which show that the ancient Assyrians and Greeks used to clasp hands to seal a deal or indicate a peaceful approach.

In medieval Europe, knights would clasp each other’s arms in order to shake lose any weapons that might be up the other’s sleeve, and a popular belief is that the handshake originated in Europe, due to the shaking part of the gesture that knights would use.

By the 1700s, the Quakers came to use the handshake in preference to more deferential ways of greeting, such as the hat tip or bowing, because shaking hands conveys more of a sense of equality between both parties.

Thus, the gesture began to gain popularity.

Soon, the very nature of the handshake evolved, as it began to be used by secret groups or sects; like the Freemasons as a sort of password, indicative of belonging.

In modern times the handshake has come to mean different things around the world.

Men tend to favor the gesture more than women, perhaps because historically women did not need to suspect each other of carrying weapons.

In the Western world, handshakes are expected to be firm, whereas, in East Asian countries, a light grip and no eye contact is seen as more appropriate.

Nowadays the handshake seems to be going out of fashion, with the fist bump fast replacing it in American culture.

However, we vote that the handshake be brought back, as it conveys so much more than a fist bump does; respect, equality, trust, and goodwill.

Time is precious and is priceless, so Dan and I will continue each day to pull from a box of 365 inspirational quotes; one quote and share with you.

Today is:


Continuing from last year the series on LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown.

Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy.

A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.

For more information click on the book



Healthy help says, with a little encouragement you make it.

Help those injuries says, you should never do this on your own.

Sometimes the needed help is assurance that mistakes are not the end of the world or that making bad choices is not an inherited trait.

Caring doesn’t hurt; it feels good even as it encourages someone to make the long-term decision, rather than go for the short-term gratification.

Loving help nourishes the person’s emotional well-being, providing the little boost necessary to plug along.

Yesterday started on the herb; ASTRAGALUS and the benefits, It’s the last herb from the book ALCHEMY OF HERBS by Rosalee De La Foret.

Astragalus has such a mildly sweet flavor.

Do you frequently get cold every winter?

Do you often come down with the flu?

While avoiding sick people and washing your hands can help you to avoid sickness, it strengthens your immune system for your best defense.

Consistently restful sleep, daily exercise, a whole food diet, and keeping your vitamin D3 at an optimal level are powerful ways to strengthen the immune system.

Herbs including astragalus, can also be an important part of your immune system support.

More about ASTRAGALUS tomorrow-

The PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.

If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.


If a goal is worth having, it's worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it. #goals❤️ #worthhaving#worthblocking#worth#worthit#blocking#blockingout#daytoday#lifenecessary

Until Friday, I can't change the direction of the wind,

but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

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