Hello Saturday,
It’s a new day, lets go out and celebrate the day with shouts of praise, love and grace and with a beautiful smile upon your face. That is exactly what Dan and I will be doing today. Regardless, of all what’s going on in the world; its time to shape it with a peaceful beginning.

Don't let it be shaped by someone else's ignorance or fear. Go out and smell the roses.
You ask me what I’m saying, in keeping with a philosophical turn of things, this phrase means to take the time out from your busy life that is overshadowed by commitments and responsibilities and stop to appreciate the beauty of life or the things that matter most in life. Just as one would not want to simply ‘look’ at the roses, but stop to smell their fragrance as well, or touch them to feel the satiny petals… similarly, don’t just go through life with only responsibilities and work, but stop and take the time to appreciate and pursue the important things in life as well.

This phrase is most likely said to be an extension of the original term, ‘Stop and smell the roses. This upholds the same meaning. It means that one should not just ‘look’ at something, but take the time out to truly ‘experience’ it so that your life becomes richer.
So, go out and ground yourself with the beauty of nature.
In keeping with this week topic air pollution, the next substances that causes air pollution; particle pollution.
Its amazing the different substances that we are facing toward the causes of air pollution. Before I researched, this never fazed me as something to do with global warming or even to do with health.

Let’s begin, particle pollution is a mixture of tiny particles and droplets made up of dirt, dust, soot, smoke and liquid compounds. These particles can be particularly damaging to your health.
When you inhale particle pollution, it can harm your lungs, especially if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. Particle pollution also has been implicated in heart attacks and in lung cancer, and in low birth weight for babies.
Exposure to this type of air pollution can lead to eye and throat irritation.

Air pollution is terrible for our children. Every single scientist, every single doctor will tell you the same thing: Air pollution damages our children's brains, their hearts, and their lungs. Julianne Moore
Particle pollution is typically made up of components like nitrates, sulfates, organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles. The ingredients can vary by season (for example, soot and smoke from wood fires, more common in winter, is a form of particle pollution).

Something interesting, early evidence suggests locations with a high amount of air pollution have higher death rates for COVID-19 patients, compared to locations with less air pollution.
When it comes to particle pollution, the Environmental Protection Agency says that the size of the particle matters most.

In general, smaller particles (those that are 10 micrometers or less in diameter) have a greater potential for causing health problems than larger ones. This is because smaller particles can enter the lungs much more easily during inhalation, by way of the nose and throat. Some even can enter your bloodstream.
Inhalable coarse particles often are found near dusty roadways or industrial areas, for example. They are larger than 2.5 micrometers and smaller than 10 micrometers in diameter. Sources of this size of particle pollution include grinding operations and dust stirred up by traffic on roads.

Fine particles are found in smoke and haze. They can be emitted from forest fires, or they can form when gasses from industrial power plants or cars reach the air and produce a chemical reaction.
Reducing fine particle pollution by 10% could prevent more than 13,000 deaths annually in the U.S.
What can you do to protect yourself from particle pollution? It may seem like particle pollution is all around you (and you're right, it is), but there are some steps you can take to protect yourself from it.

First, familiarize yourself with the EPA's Air Quality Index, which is reported daily on weather websites (and on weather broadcasts, especially when it reaches unhealthy levels).
When you plan a day outdoors, check the Air Quality Index, and consider changing your plans to spend more time indoors if the air quality is expected to be a problem. In addition, when air quality is bad, try not to plan outdoor activities that cause you to breathe heavily — in other words, walk leisurely instead of jogging, and avoid busy roads where there's more traffic (and therefore pollution).
Good morning 🌞 Saturday 🌻A day without laughter is a day wasted 😁🤭 HAHAHA 😂
Older adults, people with heart or lung conditions, and babies and children are the most susceptible to health problems from particle pollution, so take extra care to protect you and your family if you fall into those categories.
As, I’ve been blogging this information about pollution, I realize that the overall picture is that each and every one; water, air, land is all connected. The only solution to pollution is a people's humane revolution!

Until tomorrow something to think about, pollution from human activities is changing the Earth's climate. We see the damage that a disrupted climate can do: on our coasts, our farms, forests, mountains, and cities. Those impacts will grow more severe unless we start reducing global warming pollution now. So, when we go out today start the change – go green.

Sunday, I will be blogging on the next substances that causes air pollution; carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide, is a toxic gas that you cannot see or smell. It is given off whenever fuel or other carbon-based materials are burned. Usually this gas comes from sources in or near your home that are not properly maintained or vented.