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Walk in nature and feel the healing power of the trees.


Hello Monday,

Did you know your body is immensely intelligent and it is perfectly capable of healing itself given a little bit of help from your side! Your body needs your assurance, it needs your trust and it needs relaxation and the feeling of security. In-fact, relaxation and healing go hand in hand.

If you are carrying a lot of tension in your mind and body, your nervous system goes into the ‘fight or flight’ mode where healing stops. In this state, your body uses up all its resources to stay alert to safeguard itself from possible danger. When you feel relaxed and joyful, your parasympathetic nervous system takes over and your body returns to the ‘rest and digest mode ‘which is the state where repair, restoration and healing happen.

If you seek healing, you need to learn to give your mind and body much needed rest and relaxation. You need to believe in your body’s intelligence and its abilities to heal and give it your assurances. You need to give your body all your love and attention.


On Dan's birthday walk, it's the perfect fall tree.🐿️#fall#autumn#birthday#walk

There is something magical about being in nature. You cannot put it in words, but you feel it deep within – it touches your spirit. Just a few minutes of being in nature makes us feel healed and restored. Nature gives us strength, drains away all negative energy and fills us to the brim with positive energy.

It is with little to no wonder that since through ages, thousands of cultures and enlightened masters have always encouraged this connection with nature. Buddha for instance left his palace at a very young age to seek liberation in the woods. He even advised his disciples to meditate in the jungle to reach higher states of consciousness.

Research today confirms the profoundly healing and restorative effects of nature on our mind and body. For instance, there are studies that show that some trees emit invisible chemicals known as phytoncides that have the potential to reduce stress hormones like cortisol, lower blood pressure and improve immunity.

There is also plenty of research that proves that people who live closer to open green spaces are healthier and live longer.

The Japanese practice of forest bathing (basically just being in the presence of trees) is proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production, boost the immune system, and improve overall feelings of wellbeing.

A more recent research confirms that a 90-min walk in nature, decreases negative rumination and can hence help people with depression.

Dan and I look forward to checking out parks around Roanoke, for the nature as well as healing energy. The trails for walking in nature to decrease negative ruminations. This is one of our ways to managing cancer.

“Allow nature’s peace to flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.”– John Muir

Today I will continue blogging INFORMATION FROM THE CANCER CONTROL SOCIETY CONVENTION OF 2017 – INTERNATIONAL TREATMENTS. The topic that I’m blogging on today is the five-step plan; integrative assessments, cellular nutrition, detoxification, immune support and regulation and cancer suppression.

I had blogged the previous two days on cellular nutrition. So today it will be on integrative assessments.

An integrative approach is the idea of integrating or combining aspects of several different schools of thought to promote wellness. This term is often used in psychotherapy to describe the way some therapists perform their work, but it can also be used in medicine, especially as it relates to combining the best theories from traditional Western medicine and alternative practices.

The former term is more common, though the latter is gaining ground as people grow interested in alternative medical treatments.

Although integrative medicine and functional medicine have similarities, there is one important distinction. Both practices focus on supporting the patient as a whole person; however, functional medicine strives to determine the root cause of each and every disease, particularly chronic diseases such as autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases as well as, diabetes and obesity.

Rather than simply making a diagnosis and then determining which drugs or surgery will best treat the condition, Functional Medicine practitioners dive deep into the patient's history and biochemistry and ask why this patient is ill. Functional medicine is highly personalized and often includes a detailed analysis of an individual’s genetic makeup.

Healthcare is undergoing drastic changes in the 21st century. In as few as five years we will look back and ask ourselves how we could have been practicing medicine so primitively.

The practitioners who embrace the Functional and Integrative Medicine paradigms will be at the forefront of healthcare in the 21st century.


Hello Monday🎑 Moving on; giving up doesn't mean you are weak. Sometimes it means that you are __________. Fill in the blank. We all need that smile from someone, be that smile today.🌇#movingon#motivation#inspiration

The key influential factors are taken into account by practitioners during crafting of the patient individual detoxication plan; genetic blue print, the presence of disease, diet and lifestyle, environment, age and gender.

This consistence of doctors working together with the patient to establish the parameters of your current medical condition and determine the course of treatment, which will include the following:

Diagnostic imaging

Diagnostic physical examination

Laboratory exams

Functional medical assessments

Clinical nutrition assessments

MOST FACILITIES -Spiritual psychological assessments

MOST FACILITIES – Biological dental assessments

Internist assessments

Specialist assessments

“Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are.”– Gretel Ehrlich

Homemade dish soap

It is easy to make your own dish-soap with these recipes that will leave your dishes sparkling.

Do you ever wonder if you can make homemade dish soap and save money? Yes, you can, and it is actually quite simple. Here are an easy dish-soap recipe for you to try that will leave your dishes sparkling.

With this dish-soap recipe, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to make them smell better. If you use the lemon juice, you may not need the essential oil. Bottled lemon juice works just fine.

Homemade Castile Dish Soap


2 cups of Castile soap

1 teaspoon lemon juice or white vinegar

1/2 cup of warm water


Pour all ingredients into a clean, empty dish-soap bottle and shake until well combined. Before each use, shake well to combine all ingredients. The lemon juice or vinegar will help to cut through the grease on your dishes.

Until tomorrow, to sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment. Another glorious day, the air as delicious to the lungs as nectar to the tongue- ENJOY.


Bucs and birthday dinner at the Malins🏈 #tampabaybucs#dinner#birthday


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